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Database performance page #8595

Open ccschmitz opened 1 month ago

ccschmitz commented 1 month ago

Build a database performance page (maybe just a dashboard?) that allows users to analyze the queries happening in their system and troubleshoot slow performing queries. Perhaps something similar to this Queries page.

linear[bot] commented 1 month ago

HIG-4669 Database performance page

greptile-apps[bot] commented 1 month ago

To build a database performance page:

  1. Backend:

    • Modify GraphQL resolvers in /backend/private-graph/graph/schema.resolvers.go and /backend/private-graph/graph/generated/generated.go to fetch query performance data.
  2. Frontend:

    • Adapt DashboardOverview.tsx and Dashboard.tsx to create a new dashboard page for database performance.
    • Use QueryBuilderPage.tsx to allow users to build and analyze queries.
  3. Dashboard Configuration:

    • Reference the JSON configuration in /sdk/highlightinc-highlight-datasource/dashboards/highlight-test-dashboard.json to set up panels for query performance metrics.


/backend/private-graph/graph/generated/generated.go /backend/private-graph/graph/schema.resolvers.go /frontend/src/pages/Graphing/DashboardOverview.tsx /frontend/src/pages/Graphing/Dashboard.tsx /frontend/src/pages/Internal/QueryBuilderPage.tsx /sdk/highlightinc-highlight-datasource/dashboards /sdk/highlightinc-highlight-datasource/src/components/QueryEditor.tsx

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