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update invite modal designs #8604

Open Vadman97 opened 2 weeks ago

linear[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

HIG-4670 update invite modal designs

greptile-apps[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To update the invite modal designs, follow these steps:

  1. Update CSS Styles:

    • Modify /frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/InviteMemberModal.module.css to reflect the new design requirements. For example, update the .boxSubTitle, .buttonRow, .emailInput, .inviteButton, and .hr classes with the new styles.
  2. Update Modal Structure:

    • Modify the JSX structure in /frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/InviteMemberModal.tsx to match the new design. Ensure that the updated CSS classes are applied correctly.
  3. Update Component Logic:

    • Ensure that any new design elements are correctly integrated with the existing logic in InviteMemberModal.tsx. This may involve updating the props, state management, or event handlers.
  4. Review Related Components:

    • Check /frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/PendingInvites.tsx and /frontend/src/pages/Auth/InviteTeam.tsx for any related design updates that need to be applied to maintain consistency across the application.


/frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/InviteMemberModal.module.css /frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/InviteMemberModal.tsx /frontend/src/pages/WorkspaceTeam/components/PendingInvites.tsx /frontend/src/pages/Auth/InviteTeam.tsx

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