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Fix overflow on devtools tabs #8610

Closed linear[bot] closed 4 days ago

linear[bot] commented 2 weeks ago


are we using the right buttons here? why do they overflow

linear[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

HIG-4675 Fix overflow on devtools tabs

greptile-apps[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

To fix the overflow issue on devtools tabs, update the styles in DevToolsWindowV2.tsx and style.css.ts.

  1. Update DevToolsWindowV2.tsx:

    <Tabs.List px="8" style={{ overflowX: 'auto', whiteSpace: 'nowrap' }}>
  2. Update style.css.ts:

    export const tabsList = style({
     overflowX: 'auto',
     whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
  3. Apply the new style in DevToolsWindowV2.tsx:

    <Tabs.List px="8" className={styles.tabsList}>


/frontend/src/pages/Player/Toolbar/DevToolsWindowV2 /frontend/src/pages/Player/Toolbar/DevToolsWindowV2/style.css.ts /frontend/src/pages/Player/Toolbar/DevToolsWindowV2/DevToolsWindowV2.tsx

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