highlightjs / highlight.js

JavaScript syntax highlighter with language auto-detection and zero dependencies.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
23.69k stars 3.6k forks source link

Inconsistent total number of languages #3368

Closed Vanessa219 closed 3 years ago

Vanessa219 commented 3 years ago

Describe the issue/behavior that seems buggy

196 languages are described on the homepage, but at https://highlightjs.org/download there are only 191 languages.




["bash", "c", "csharp", "cpp", "css", "diff", "go", "xml", "json", "java", "javascript", "kotlin", "less", "lua", "makefile", "markdown", "objectivec", "php", "php-template", "perl", "plaintext", "python", "python-repl", "r", "ruby", "rust", "scss", "sql", "shell", "swift", "ini", "typescript", "vbnet", "yaml", "properties", "1c", "armasm", "avrasm", "actionscript", "ada", "angelscript", "accesslog", "apache", "applescript", "arcade", "arduino", "asciidoc", "aspectj", "abnf", "autohotkey", "autoit", "awk", "basic", "bnf", "dos", "brainfuck", "cal", "cmake", "csp", "cos", "capnproto", "ceylon", "clean", "clojure", "clojure-repl", "coffeescript", "coq", "crystal", "d", "dns", "dart", "delphi", "dts", "django", "dockerfile", "dust", "erb", "elixir", "elm", "erlang", "erlang-repl", "excel", "ebnf", "fsharp", "fix", "flix", "fortran", "gcode", "gams", "gauss", "glsl", "gml", "gherkin", "golo", "gradle", "groovy", "haml", "hsp", "http", "handlebars", "haskell", "haxe", "hy", "irpf90", "isbl", "inform7", "x86asm", "jboss-cli", "julia", "julia-repl", "ldif", "llvm", "lsl", "latex", "lasso", "leaf", "lisp", "livecodeserver", "livescript", "mel", "mipsasm", "matlab", "maxima", "mercury", "axapta", "routeros", "mizar", "mojolicious", "monkey", "moonscript", "n1ql", "nsis", "nestedtext", "nginx", "nim", "nix", "node-repl", "ocaml", "openscad", "ruleslanguage", "oxygene", "pf", "parser3", "pony", "pgsql", "powershell", "processing", "prolog", "protobuf", "puppet", "purebasic", "profile", "q", "qml", "reasonml", "rib", "rsl", "roboconf", "sas", "sml", "sqf", "step21", "scala", "scheme", "scilab", "smali", "smalltalk", "stan", "stata", "stylus", "subunit", "tp", "taggerscript", "tcl", "tap", "thrift", "twig", "vbscript", "vbscript-html", "vhdl", "vala", "verilog", "vim", "wasm", "mathematica", "wren", "xl", "xquery", "zephir", "crmsh", "dsconfig"]

Expected behavior

The total number of languages supported remains the same.

joshgoebel commented 3 years ago

There are some internal grammar/dependencies that are purposely hidden from the download list, so the download count is not expected to be equal to the absolute count. These counts are only for "bragging rights" anyways, it's ok if it's "off by a few".

A PR changing it to ~200 (approx. 200) might be "ok" if this really really bugs you, otherwise I'm closing it as a non-issue.

Take that back I actually think the precision is nice, even if it's possibly inaccurate. You could argue the download page is the inaccurate page - though it's done purposely.

Vanessa219 commented 3 years ago

Why hide some internal grammar/dependencies? If it must be hidden, I think it should not be included in the language.

Anyway, thank you for your answer.

joshgoebel commented 3 years ago

So people can't "break" the download or be confused when things are included they didn't pick. Easier to just hide.