highsource / jsonix

Powerful XML<->JSON JavaScript mapping library.
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Error: Element [] is not known in this context, could not determine its type. #244

Open raildeveloper opened 3 years ago

raildeveloper commented 3 years ago

I am trying to generate a sample xml for the following and getting the error as in subject. could you have a look and let me know if I am doing something wrong here.

const fs = require('fs'); const Jsonix = require('jsonix').Jsonix; const railml = require('./resources/railML-3.1-final/schema/mappings/railml').railml;

function generateRailML(){

let infra_context = new Jsonix.Context([railml],{
let infra_marshaller = infra_context.createMarshaller();
let value_infra = {
   // railml: {
   // }

let infra_doc = infra_marshaller.marshalString(value_infra);
console.log("RailML - Infrastructure ->", infra_doc);


module.exports = { generateRailML: function () { generateRailML(); } }

The mapping file is as below.

var railml_Module_Factory = function () { var railml = { name: 'railml', defaultElementNamespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1', typeInfos: [{ localName: 'RTMLinearNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_LinearNetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningNetElement' }, { localName: 'RTMCompositionNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_CompositionNetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'elementCollectionUnordered', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMUnorderedCollection' }, { name: 'elementCollectionOrdered', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMOrderedCollection' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchesIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'switchIL', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchIL' }] }, { localName: 'DetectorAndGivenState', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedDetectorAndState', required: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorAndState' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchesIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'switchIS', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchIS' }] }, { localName: 'RailwayUndertaking', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'ElementProjectionSymbol', baseTypeInfo: '.VisualizationBaseElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'isLocatedAt', required: true, typeInfo: '.ProjectionCoordinate' }, { name: 'externalIconRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'externalIconRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'orientation', attributeName: { localPart: 'orientation' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Platforms', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'platform', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Platform' }] }, { localName: 'CrossingInPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'givenPosition', required: true, typeInfo: '.CrossingAndGivenPosition' }, { name: 'protectingSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'protectingSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GenericTypes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'hasAspect', required: true, minOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GenericAspect' }, { name: 'hasTVDresetStrategy', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GenericResetStrategy' }, { name: 'hasRouteType', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GenericRouteType' }, { name: 'hasLevelCrossingType', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingTypeList' }, { name: 'hasElementGroupType', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ElementGroupingTypes' }, { name: 'hasDetectorTypes', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorTypes' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedProfiles', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'speedProfile', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SpeedProfile' }] }, { localName: 'PowerSuppliesIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'powerSupplyIL', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.PowerSupplyIL' }] }, { localName: 'TimeStamp', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'at', typeInfo: 'DateTime', attributeName: { localPart: 'at' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ConflictingRoute', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToRoute', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'conflictsWithRoute', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'reasonForConflict', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ConflictReason' }] }, { localName: 'ElectrificationSystems', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'electrificationSystem', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ElectrificationSystem' }] }, { localName: 'PowerSupplyIL', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators', typeInfo: 'NonNegativeInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberOfSimultaneousSwitchingActuators' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'signalVoltageMode', attributeName: { localPart: 'signalVoltageMode' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'VehicleOperator', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'Balises', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'balise', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Balise' }] }, { localName: 'DerailerAndPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToDerailer', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'inPosition', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'inPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GeometryPoints', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'geometryPoint', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GeometryPoint' }] }, { localName: 'ControlledSignalBox', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'connectedSignalBox', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'extentOfControl', attributeName: { localPart: 'extentOfControl' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Customer', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'GenericDetectors', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'genericDetector', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GenericDetector' }] }, { localName: 'EntityIL', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandDesignator', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'StatesBaseElement', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandName', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'ElementContainer', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/', localPart: 'elementContainer' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, mixed: false, allowDom: false, elementName: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', type: 'elementRef' }] }, { localName: 'GeometryPoint', baseTypeInfo: '.GeometryEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'radius', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'radius' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'gradient', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'gradient' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'azimuth', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'azimuth' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OperationalPoints', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'operationalPoint', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.OperationalPoint' }] }, { localName: 'LockAndState', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToKeyLock', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'inState', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'inState' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'MovableCrossings', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'movableCrossing', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.MovableCrossing' }] }, { localName: 'RTMSpotLocation', typeName: 'RTM_SpotLocation', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMEntityLocation', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'linearCoordinate', typeInfo: '.RTMLinearCoordinate' }, { name: 'geometricCoordinate', typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricCoordinate' }, { name: 'netElementRef', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'netElementRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'intrinsicCoord', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'intrinsicCoord' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'applicationDirection', attributeName: { localPart: 'applicationDirection' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'pos', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'pos' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Geometry', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'horizontalCurves', typeInfo: '.HorizontalCurves' }, { name: 'gradientCurves', typeInfo: '.GradientCurves' }, { name: 'geometryPoints', typeInfo: '.GeometryPoints' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'DerailerIS', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'derailSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'derailSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ATPdevice', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'atpType', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'device', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'exitSignal', required: true, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'entrySignal', required: true, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'Controller', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'controlledAssets', required: true, typeInfo: '.ControlledAssets' }, { name: 'itineraries', typeInfo: '.Itineraries' }] }, { localName: 'TrainDetectionElement', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'limitsTrainDetectionElement', minOccurs: 0, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'detectedObject', attributeName: { localPart: 'detectedObject' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'detectorMedium', attributeName: { localPart: 'detectorMedium' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'layout', attributeName: { localPart: 'layout' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Visualization', baseTypeInfo: '.VisualizationBaseElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'spotElementProjection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SpotProjection' }, { name: 'linearElementProjection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LinearProjection' }, { name: 'areaElementProjection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.AreaProjection' }, { name: 'positioningSystemRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'positioningSystemRef' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InitStatus', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'comString', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'comString' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'messString', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'messString' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNetEntity', typeName: 'RTM_NetEntity', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetworkResource' }, { localName: 'EntityIS', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMLocatedNetEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'gmlLocations', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GmlLocations' }, { name: 'networkLocation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LocationNetwork' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'RouteActivationSection', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'activationSection', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'delayForLock', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delayForLock' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'automaticReleaseDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'automaticReleaseDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'AssetAndState', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'isNegated', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isNegated' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'WorkZones', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'workZone', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.WorkZone' }] }, { localName: 'DangerPoints', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'dangerPoint', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DangerPoint' }] }, { localName: 'GeometryEntity', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrainProtectionElements', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'trainProtectionElement', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TrainProtectionElement' }] }, { localName: 'SignalAndGivenAspect', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedSignalAndAspect', required: true, typeInfo: '.SignalAndAspect' }] }, { localName: 'Line', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'beginsInOP', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'endsInOP', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'length', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Length' }, { name: 'lineTrafficCode', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LineTrafficCode' }, { name: 'lineCombinedTransportCode', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LineCombinedTransportCode' }, { name: 'lineLayout', typeInfo: '.LineLayout' }, { name: 'linePerformance', typeInfo: '.LinePerformance' }, { name: 'infrastructureManagerRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'infrastructureManagerRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lineCategory', attributeName: { localPart: 'lineCategory' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lineType', attributeName: { localPart: 'lineType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedProfileTilting', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'actuation', attributeName: { localPart: 'actuation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maxTiltingAngle', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxTiltingAngle' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ReferenceType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'ReferenceType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'nilReason', attributeName: { localPart: 'nilReason' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'owns', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'owns' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMValidity', typeName: 'RTM_Validity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'from', typeInfo: 'Date', attributeName: { localPart: 'from' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'to', typeInfo: 'Date', attributeName: { localPart: 'to' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'DateWithBitmask', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'date', typeInfo: 'Date', attributeName: { localPart: 'date' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'bitmask', attributeName: { localPart: 'bitmask' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrackBed', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'ballastType', attributeName: { localPart: 'ballastType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'railType', attributeName: { localPart: 'railType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'sleepersType', attributeName: { localPart: 'sleepersType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'jointsType', attributeName: { localPart: 'jointsType' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ConflictReason', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'origin', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'origin' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'refersTo' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CombinedRoutes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'combinedRoute', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CombinedRoute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalSpeed', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToBeginOfSpeedSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'refersToEndOfSpeedSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'trainRelation', attributeName: { localPart: 'trainRelation' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMRelation', typeName: 'RTM_Relation', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetworkResource', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'elementA', required: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'elementB', required: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'navigability', attributeName: { localPart: 'navigability' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'positionOnA', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'positionOnA' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'positionOnB', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'positionOnB' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrainDetectionElements', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'trainDetectionElement', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TrainDetectionElement' }] }, { localName: 'Itineraries', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'itinerary', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CombinedRoute' }] }, { localName: 'ServiceSection', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsCleaning', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsCleaning' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsFueling', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsFueling' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsLoading', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsLoading' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsMaintenance', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsMaintenance' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsParking', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsParking' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsPreheating', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsPreheating' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasRamp', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasRamp' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsToiletDischarge', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsToiletDischarge' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsWaterRestocking', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsWaterRestocking' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsSandRestocking', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsSandRestocking' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasElectricSupply', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasElectricSupply' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMLevelNetwork', typeName: 'RTM_LevelNetwork', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'networkResource', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'descriptionLevel', attributeName: { localPart: 'descriptionLevel' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Name', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'name', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'name' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'description', attributeName: { localPart: 'description' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'language', required: true, typeInfo: 'Language', attributeName: { localPart: 'language' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InfrastructureManager', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'TElementWithIDref', typeName: 'tElementWithIDref', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'ref', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'ref' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OpOperations', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'opOperation', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.OpOperation' }] }, { localName: 'OperatingDay', baseTypeInfo: '.PeriodRuleElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'bitmask', attributeName: { localPart: 'bitmask' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GenericAspect', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'genericAspect', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'genericAspect' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ActivationCondition', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'delayBySwitchPosition', typeInfo: '.SwitchRelatedDelay' }, { name: 'aspectRelatedDelay', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.AspectRelatedLevelCrossingDelay' }, { name: 'signalDelayTime', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalDelayTime' }, { name: 'activatedBy', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ApproachStartingDetector' }, { name: 'andOr', attributeName: { localPart: 'andOr' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InterlockingInterface', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'lastOwnTvdSection', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'firstRemoteTvdSection', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'incomingRoute', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'outgoingRoute', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasInterface', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'interfaceLocation', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'interfaceLocation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isOnCommandSide', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isOnCommandSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedProfile', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandName', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'tilting', typeInfo: '.SpeedProfileTilting' }, { name: 'load', typeInfo: '.SpeedProfileLoad' }, { name: 'braking', typeInfo: '.SpeedProfileBraking' }, { name: 'trainType', typeInfo: '.SpeedProfileTrainType' }, { name: 'influence', attributeName: { localPart: 'influence' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ScreenPositioningSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningSystem', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'pxX', required: true, typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'pxX' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'pxY', required: true, typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'pxY' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'pxZ', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'pxZ' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMIntrinsicCoordinate', typeName: 'RTM_IntrinsicCoordinate', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'linearCoordinate', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMLinearCoordinate' }, { name: 'geometricCoordinate', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricCoordinate' }, { name: 'intrinsicCoord', required: true, typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'intrinsicCoord' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'AssetsForIL', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'tvdSections', typeInfo: '.TvdSections' }, { name: 'switchesIL', typeInfo: '.SwitchesIL' }, { name: 'derailersIL', typeInfo: '.DerailersIL' }, { name: 'movableCrossings', typeInfo: '.MovableCrossings' }, { name: 'levelCrossingsIL', typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingsIL' }, { name: 'keys', typeInfo: '.Keys' }, { name: 'keyLocksIL', typeInfo: '.KeyLocksIL' }, { name: 'genericDetectors', typeInfo: '.GenericDetectors' }, { name: 'signalsIL', typeInfo: '.SignalsIL' }, { name: 'atpDevices', typeInfo: '.ATPdevices' }, { name: 'interfaces', typeInfo: '.Interfaces' }, { name: 'workZones', typeInfo: '.WorkZones' }, { name: 'localOperationAreas', typeInfo: '.LocalOperationAreas' }, { name: 'shuntingZones', typeInfo: '.ShuntingZones' }, { name: 'permissionZones', typeInfo: '.PermissionZones' }, { name: 'routeReleaseGroupsAhead', typeInfo: '.RouteReleaseGroupsAhead' }, { name: 'routeReleaseGroupsRear', typeInfo: '.RouteReleaseGroupsRear' }, { name: 'routes', typeInfo: '.Routes' }, { name: 'conflictingRoutes', typeInfo: '.ConflictingRoutes' }, { name: 'routeRelations', typeInfo: '.RouteRelations' }, { name: 'combinedRoutes', typeInfo: '.CombinedRoutes' }, { name: 'overlaps', typeInfo: '.Overlaps' }, { name: 'dangerPoints', typeInfo: '.DangerPoints' }, { name: 'destinationPoints', typeInfo: '.DestinationPoints' }, { name: 'powerSuppliesIL', typeInfo: '.PowerSuppliesIL' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingIL', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'hasInterface', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'isLevelCrossingType', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'deactivatedBy', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingDeactivator' }, { name: 'activationCondition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ActivationCondition' }, { name: 'hasTvdSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'preferredPosition', attributeName: { localPart: 'preferredPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'unprotectedSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'unprotectedSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'typicalTimeToClose', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'typicalTimeToClose' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'constantWarningTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'constantWarningTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'minimumOpenTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'minimumOpenTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maximumClosedTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'maximumClosedTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'requiresStopBeforeUnprotectedLevelCrossing', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'requiresStopBeforeUnprotectedLevelCrossing' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Designator', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'register', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'register' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'entry', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'entry' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RouteReleaseGroupsRear', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'routeReleaseGroupRear', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RouteReleaseGroupRear' }] }, { localName: 'UnderCrossings', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'underCrossing', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.UnderCrossing' }] }, { localName: 'ATPdevices', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'atpDevice', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ATPdevice' }] }, { localName: 'GeometricPositioningSystems', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'geometricPositioningSystem', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricPositioningSystem' }] }, { localName: 'Concessionaire', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'DirectPositionType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'DirectPositionType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', typeInfo: { type: 'list', baseTypeInfo: 'Double' }, type: 'value' }, { name: 'srsDimension', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsDimension' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'srsName', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsName' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'axisLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'axisLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'uomLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'uomLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_NetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetworkResource', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'relation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }] }, { localName: 'RTMLinearAnchorPoint', typeName: 'RTM_LinearAnchorPoint', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'anchorName', attributeName: { localPart: 'anchorName' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'measure', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'measure' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'measureToNext', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'measureToNext' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMPositioningSystem', typeName: 'RTM_PositioningSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNamedResource', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'isValid', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMValidity' }] }, { localName: 'SignalEtcs', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'srsVersion', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsVersion' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Borders', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'border', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Border' }] }, { localName: 'DerailersIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'derailerIS', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerIS' }] }, { localName: 'RouteReleaseGroupsAhead', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'routeReleaseGroupAhead', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RouteReleaseGroupAhead' }] }, { localName: 'SignalsIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'signalIS', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalIS' }] }, { localName: 'BufferStop', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackNode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Rollingstock' }, { localName: 'SwitchAndGivenPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedSwitchAndPosition', required: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchAndPosition' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchPositionRestriction', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedSwitchInPosition', typeInfo: '.SwitchAndPosition' }, { name: 'relatedDerailerInPosition', typeInfo: '.DerailerAndPosition' }, { name: 'restrictedPosition', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'restrictedPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CrossingAndGivenPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedCrossingAndPosition', required: true, typeInfo: '.CrossingAndPosition' }] }, { localName: 'SignalAnnouncement', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'OverlapRelease', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'releaseTriggerSection', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'overlapReleaseTimer', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.OverlapReleaseTimer' }] }, { localName: 'TrainMovement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CalendarTimePeriod', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriod', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'from', typeInfo: 'DateTime', attributeName: { localPart: 'from' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'to', typeInfo: 'DateTime', attributeName: { localPart: 'to' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PermissionZones', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'permissionZone', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.PermissionZone' }] }, { localName: 'FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'designator', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Designator' }, { name: 'external', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.External' }] }, { localName: 'GenericIM', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'ownsSetsOfAssets', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'usesTypes', required: true, typeInfo: '.GenericTypes' }] }, { localName: 'PartialRoutes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'knowsPartialRoute', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.PartialRoute' }] }, { localName: 'Metadata', baseTypeInfo: '.ElementContainer' }, { localName: 'TElementWithIDandName', typeName: 'tElementWithIDandName', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'name', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Name' }] }, { localName: 'LineCombinedTransportCode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'wagonCompatibilityCode', attributeName: { localPart: 'wagonCompatibilityCode' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'profileNumber', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'profileNumber' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OrganizationalUnit', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandName', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'code', attributeName: { localPart: 'code' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GeometryCurve', baseTypeInfo: '.GeometryEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'beginsInGeometryPoint', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'endsInGeometryPoint', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }] }, { localName: 'Overlaps', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'overlap', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Overlap' }] }, { localName: 'LinePerformance', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'allowedLoadingGauge', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'allowedWeight', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'maxSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maxTrainLength', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxTrainLength' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'usablePlatformLength', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'usablePlatformLength' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Crossings', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'crossing', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Crossing' }] }, { localName: 'OperationalUndertaking', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'DerailerIL', baseTypeInfo: '.MovableElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'preferredPosition', attributeName: { localPart: 'preferredPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ShuntingZone', baseTypeInfo: '.RestrictedArea', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'RestrictionArea', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InputOutput', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'bitNr', typeInfo: 'NonNegativeInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'bitNr' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'description', attributeName: { localPart: 'description' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'normalState', attributeName: { localPart: 'normalState' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'pulseDuration', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'pulseDuration' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PointType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'PointType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'pos', required: true, elementName: { localPart: 'pos', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.DirectPositionType' }] }, { localName: 'AreaProjection', baseTypeInfo: '.ElementProjection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'coordinate', required: true, minOccurs: 3, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ProjectionCoordinate' }] }, { localName: 'Network', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetwork' }, { localName: 'TElementWithID', typeName: 'tElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'id', attributeName: { localPart: 'id' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedProfileLoad', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'maxAxleLoad', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxAxleLoad' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maxMeterLoad', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxMeterLoad' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'AspectRelation', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'masterAspect', typeInfo: '.SignalAndAspect' }, { name: 'slaveAspect', typeInfo: '.SignalAndAspect' }, { name: 'distantAspect', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalAndAspect' }, { name: 'signalsSpeedProfile', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'appliesToRoute', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'passingSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'passingSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'expectingSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'expectingSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'endSectionTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'endSectionTime' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GmlLocations', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'lineString', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LineTypeCoordinate' }, { name: 'point', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.PointTypeCoordinate' }] }, { localName: 'Common', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'electrificationSystems', typeInfo: '.ElectrificationSystems' }, { name: 'organizationalUnits', typeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnits' }, { name: 'speedProfiles', typeInfo: '.SpeedProfiles' }, { name: 'positioning', typeInfo: '.PositioningSystems' }] }, { localName: 'RouteReleaseGroupAhead', baseTypeInfo: '.PartialRoute', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'isAutomatic', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isAutomatic' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LoadingGauges', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'loadingGauge', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LoadingGauge' }] }, { localName: 'BufferStops', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'bufferStop', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.BufferStop' }] }, { localName: 'LineTypeCoordinate', baseTypeInfo: '.LineStringType' }, { localName: 'Contractor', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'KeyLockInState', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'givenState', required: true, typeInfo: '.LockAndGivenState' }, { name: 'protectingSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'protectingSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalBox', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'controlsSystemAsset', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SystemAssetConnectedToIL' }, { name: 'controlsTrackAsset', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TrackAssetConnectedToIL' }, { name: 'controlsRoute', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'controlsCombinedRoute', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'controlsInterface', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.InterlockingInterface' }, { name: 'controlledBy', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'implementsSignalplan', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalPlan' }, { name: 'implementsElementGroup', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ElementGroup' }, { name: 'hasPermissionZone', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasConflictingRoutes', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasConfiguration', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Configuration' }] }, { localName: 'OpenEnd', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'externalRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'externalRef' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ContactWire', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'minHeight', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'minHeight' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maxHeight', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxHeight' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'maxDisplacement', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxDisplacement' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Lines', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'line', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Line' }] }, { localName: 'FunctionalInfrastructure', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'balises', typeInfo: '.Balises' }, { name: 'borders', typeInfo: '.Borders' }, { name: 'bufferStops', typeInfo: '.BufferStops' }, { name: 'crossings', typeInfo: '.Crossings' }, { name: 'derailersIS', typeInfo: '.DerailersIS' }, { name: 'electrifications', typeInfo: '.Electrifications' }, { name: 'keyLocksIS', typeInfo: '.KeyLocksIS' }, { name: 'levelCrossingsIS', typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingsIS' }, { name: 'lines', typeInfo: '.Lines' }, { name: 'loadingGauges', typeInfo: '.LoadingGauges' }, { name: 'operationalPoints', typeInfo: '.OperationalPoints' }, { name: 'overCrossings', typeInfo: '.OverCrossings' }, { name: 'platforms', typeInfo: '.Platforms' }, { name: 'restrictionAreas', typeInfo: '.RestrictionAreas' }, { name: 'serviceSections', typeInfo: '.ServiceSections' }, { name: 'signalsIS', typeInfo: '.SignalsIS' }, { name: 'speeds', typeInfo: '.Speeds' }, { name: 'stoppingPlaces', typeInfo: '.StoppingPlaces' }, { name: 'switchesIS', typeInfo: '.SwitchesIS' }, { name: 'tracks', typeInfo: '.Tracks' }, { name: 'trackBeds', typeInfo: '.TrackBeds' }, { name: 'trackGauges', typeInfo: '.TrackGauges' }, { name: 'trainDetectionElements', typeInfo: '.TrainDetectionElements' }, { name: 'trainProtectionElements', typeInfo: '.TrainProtectionElements' }, { name: 'trainRadios', typeInfo: '.TrainRadios' }, { name: 'underCrossings', typeInfo: '.UnderCrossings' }, { name: 'weightLimits', typeInfo: '.WeightLimits' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'SignalsIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'signalIL', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalIL' }] }, { localName: 'RouteEntry', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'nonReplacement', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingAndGivenState', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedLevelCrossingAndState', required: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingAndState' }] }, { localName: 'SignalInformation', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'AssetAndGivenState', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'mustOrShould', attributeName: { localPart: 'mustOrShould' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'proving', attributeName: { localPart: 'proving' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isNegated', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isNegated' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OpEquipment', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'ownsPlatform', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'ownsTrack', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'ownsSignal', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'ownsStoppingPlace', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'ownsServiceSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'numberOfStationTracks', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberOfStationTracks' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ElemBasedPeriodRule', baseTypeInfo: '.ShiftablePeriodRule', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'operatingDay', typeInfo: '.OperatingDay' }, { name: 'genericOperatingPeriod', typeInfo: '.GenericOperatingPeriodDescription' }] }, { localName: 'OpOperation', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'operationalType', attributeName: { localPart: 'operationalType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'trafficType', attributeName: { localPart: 'trafficType' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GradientCurve', baseTypeInfo: '.GeometryCurve', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'curveType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'curveType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'gradient', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'gradient' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'deltaGradient', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'deltaGradient' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'radius', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'radius' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'length', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'length' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RouteRelation', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'requiredSwitchPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchAndGivenPosition' }, { name: 'requiredDerailerPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerAndGivenPosition' }, { name: 'requiredCrossingPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CrossingAndGivenPosition' }, { name: 'requiredDetectorState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorAndGivenState' }, { name: 'requiredSignalAspect', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalAndGivenAspect' }, { name: 'requiredSectionState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SectionAndGivenVacancy' }, { name: 'requiredKeyLockState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LockAndGivenState' }, { name: 'requiredLevelCrossingState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingAndGivenState' }] }, { localName: 'DangerPoint', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'lastSupervisedSectionBeforeDP', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'situatedAtTrackAsset', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'distance', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'distance' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'releaseSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'releaseSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNetwork', typeName: 'RTM_Network', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNamedResource', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'level', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMLevelNetwork' }, { name: 'networkResource', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMNetworkResource' }] }, { localName: 'TrackGauge', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'value', required: true, typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'value' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RailML', typeName: 'railML', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'metadata', typeInfo: '.Metadata' }, { name: 'common', typeInfo: '.Common' }, { name: 'infrastructure', typeInfo: '.Infrastructure' }, { name: 'interlocking', typeInfo: '.Interlocking' }, { name: 'rollingstock', typeInfo: '.Rollingstock' }, { name: 'timetable', typeInfo: '.Timetable' }, { name: 'version', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'version' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchIS', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackNode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'leftBranch', typeInfo: '.SwitchCrossingBranch' }, { name: 'rightBranch', typeInfo: '.SwitchCrossingBranch' }, { name: 'straightBranch', minOccurs: 0, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchCrossingBranch' }, { name: 'turningBranch', minOccurs: 0, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchCrossingBranch' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'continueCourse', attributeName: { localPart: 'continueCourse' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'branchCourse', attributeName: { localPart: 'branchCourse' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMLinearCoordinate', typeName: 'RTM_LinearCoordinate', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningSystemCoordinate', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'lateralDistance', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'lateralDistance' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'measure', required: true, typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'measure' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'verticalDistance', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'verticalDistance' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lateralSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'lateralSide' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'verticalSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'verticalSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InfrastructureVisualizations', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'visualization', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Visualization' }] }, { localName: 'Balise', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isBaliseGroup', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isBaliseGroup' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'baliseGroupType', attributeName: { localPart: 'baliseGroupType' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Length', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', required: true, typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'value' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'validForDirection', attributeName: { localPart: 'validForDirection' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PermissionZone', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'canBeControlledBy', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'controlledElement', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'VehicleManufacturer', baseTypeInfo: '.OrganizationalUnit' }, { localName: 'Networks', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'network', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Network' }] }, { localName: 'Tracks', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'track', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Track' }] }, { localName: 'SectionAndVacancy', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToSection', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'inState', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'inState' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'NetElements', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'netElement', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.NetElement' }] }, { localName: 'ElementGroupingTypes', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'elementGroupType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'elementGroupType' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CrossedElement', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandName', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'ref', attributeName: { localPart: 'ref' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LineLayout', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }, { name: 'maxGradient', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxGradient' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'numberOfTracks', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberOfTracks' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'minRadius', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'minRadius' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMGeometricPositioningSystem', typeName: 'RTM_GeometricPositioningSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningSystem', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'crsDefinition', attributeName: { localPart: 'crsDefinition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchCrossingBranch', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'branchingSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'branchingSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'joiningSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'joiningSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'netRelationRef', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'netRelationRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'radius', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'radius' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'length', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'length' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Crossing', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackNode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingDeactivator', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'tvdDetectorRef', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'delay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RouteRelations', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'routeRelation', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RouteRelation' }] }, { localName: 'RTMPositioningSystemCoordinate', typeName: 'RTM_PositioningSystemCoordinate', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'positioningSystemRef', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'positioningSystemRef' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ClockTimePeriod', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriod', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'from', typeInfo: 'Time', attributeName: { localPart: 'from' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'to', typeInfo: 'Time', attributeName: { localPart: 'to' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'WorkZone', baseTypeInfo: '.RestrictedArea', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'activationLock', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'switchInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchInPosition' }, { name: 'derailerInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerInPosition' }, { name: 'crossingInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CrossingInPosition' }, { name: 'detectorInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorInState' }, { name: 'signalWithAspect', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalWithAspect' }, { name: 'keyLockInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.KeyLockInState' }, { name: 'levelCrossingInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingInState' }, { name: 'releasedForLocalOperation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'RestrictionAreas', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'restrictionArea', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RestrictionArea' }] }, { localName: 'Key', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'isPhysical', typeInfo: 'Boolean' }] }, { localName: 'DerailersIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'derailerIL', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerIL' }] }, { localName: 'Interface', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'command', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.InputOutput' }, { name: 'message', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.InputOutput' }, { name: 'initStatus', typeInfo: '.InitStatus' }, { name: 'invalidTolerationTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'invalidTolerationTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'switchoverTolerationTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'switchoverTolerationTime' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LinearProjection', baseTypeInfo: '.ElementProjection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'coordinate', required: true, minOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ProjectionCoordinate' }] }, { localName: 'ConflictingRoutes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'conflictingRoute', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ConflictingRoute' }] }, { localName: 'PantographSpacing', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'numberPantographsRaised', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberPantographsRaised' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'spacingPantographsRaised', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'spacingPantographsRaised' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'speed4PantographSpacing', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'speed4PantographSpacing' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ShuntingZones', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'shuntingZone', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ShuntingZone' }] }, { localName: 'RTMBaseObject', typeName: 'RTM_BaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'id', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'id' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMUnorderedCollection', typeName: 'RTM_UnorderedCollection', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMElementPartCollection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'elementPart', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }] }, { localName: 'SignalLevelCrossing', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToLevelCrossing', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TimePeriodRule', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'isNegated', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isNegated' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PartialRoute', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'hasTvdSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'delay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'typicalDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'typicalDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'External', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'id', attributeName: { localPart: 'id' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'ref', attributeName: { localPart: 'ref' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'description', attributeName: { localPart: 'description' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Configuration', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'model', attributeName: { localPart: 'model' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'technologyType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'technologyType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'sWversion', attributeName: { localPart: 'SWversion' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'signalSystem', attributeName: { localPart: 'signalSystem' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Border', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackNode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'markedByInfrastructureElement', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'isOpenEnd', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isOpenEnd' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'externalRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'externalRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrackAssetConnectedToIL', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'connectedTrackAsset', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'extentOfControl', attributeName: { localPart: 'extentOfControl' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMElementPartCollection', typeName: 'RTM_ElementPartCollection', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject' }, { localName: 'KeyLocksIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'keyLockIS', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.KeyLockIS' }] }, { localName: 'TElementWithIDandDesignator', typeName: 'tElementWithIDandDesignator', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'designator', typeInfo: '.Designator' }] }, { localName: 'CodeType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'CodeType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', type: 'value' }, { name: 'codeSpace', attributeName: { localPart: 'codeSpace' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingsIS', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'levelCrossingIS', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingIS' }] }, { localName: 'TrainProtectionElement', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'trainProtectionSystem', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'trainProtectionSystem' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'medium', attributeName: { localPart: 'medium' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'monitoring', attributeName: { localPart: 'monitoring' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PhaseSeparationSection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'lengthPhaseSeparation', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'lengthPhaseSeparation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'switchOffBreaker', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'switchOffBreaker' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lowerPantograph', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'lowerPantograph' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RouteReleaseGroupRear', baseTypeInfo: '.PartialRoute', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'SignalAndAspect', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToSignal', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'showsAspect', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'PeriodRule', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriodRule', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'period', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ClockTimePeriod' }] }, { localName: 'Track', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'trackBegin', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'trackEnd', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'length', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Length' }, { name: 'type', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'infrastructureManagerRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'infrastructureManagerRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'mainDirection', attributeName: { localPart: 'mainDirection' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'PublicHolidayPeriodRule', baseTypeInfo: '.ShiftablePeriodRule' }, { localName: 'SignalWithAspect', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'givenAspect', required: true, typeInfo: '.SignalAndGivenAspect' }, { name: 'protectingSide', attributeName: { localPart: 'protectingSide' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'MaxTrainCurrent', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'maxCurrent', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxCurrent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'trainType', attributeName: { localPart: 'trainType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'operationType', typeInfo: 'Int', attributeName: { localPart: 'operationType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'validFor', typeInfo: 'Int', attributeName: { localPart: 'validFor' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'VisualizationBaseElement', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDandName', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'any', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, allowDom: false, mixed: false, type: 'anyElement' }] }, { localName: 'Route', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'handlesRouteType', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'routeActivationSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RouteActivationSection' }, { name: 'facingSwitchInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchAndPosition' }, { name: 'hasTvdSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'routeEntry', required: true, typeInfo: '.RouteEntry' }, { name: 'hasReleaseGroup', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'switchPositionInDepartureTrack', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchAndPosition' }, { name: 'routeExit', required: true, typeInfo: '.RouteExit' }, { name: 'additionalRelation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'locksAutomatically', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'locksAutomatically' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'processingDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'processingDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'proceedAspectDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'proceedAspectDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'signalClosureDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'signalClosureDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'approachReleaseDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'approachReleaseDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedProfileBraking', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'brakeType', attributeName: { localPart: 'brakeType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'airBrakeApplicationPosition', attributeName: { localPart: 'airBrakeApplicationPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'minBrakePercentage', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'minBrakePercentage' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LockAndGivenState', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedLockAndState', required: true, typeInfo: '.LockAndState' }] }, { localName: 'SignalRadio', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToTrainRadioSection', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }] }, { localName: 'XCrossing', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'crossesElement', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CrossedElement' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingTypeList', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'controlType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'controlType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsLocalOperation', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsLocalOperation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasBarrier', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasBarrier' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasTrafficWarning', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasTrafficWarning' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TElementWithIDandCode', typeName: 'tElementWithIDandCode', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'code', attributeName: { localPart: 'code' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNetworkResource', typeName: 'RTM_NetworkResource', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNamedResource', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'isValid', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMValidity' }] }, { localName: 'NetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningNetElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'length', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'length' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InfrastructureState', baseTypeInfo: '.StatesBaseElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'elementState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ElementState' }, { name: 'validityTime', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Period' }, { name: 'value', attributeName: { localPart: 'value' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CombinedRoute', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'comboEntry', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'comboExit', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'containsRoute', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'SignalDelayTime', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'hasDelayedSignal', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'delay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMLinearLocation', typeName: 'RTM_LinearLocation', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMEntityLocation', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'associatedNetElement', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMAssociatedNetElement' }, { name: 'linearCoordinate', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMLinearCoordinate' }, { name: 'geometricCoordinate', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricCoordinate' }, { name: 'applicationDirection', attributeName: { localPart: 'applicationDirection' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'KeyLocksIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'keyLockIL', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.KeyLockIL' }, { name: 'ownsLogicalDevice', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LogicalDevice' }] }, { localName: 'RouteExit', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasDangerPoint', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasOverlap', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'DestinationPoints', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'destinationPoint', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RouteExit' }] }, { localName: 'ServiceSections', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'serviceSection', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ServiceSection' }] }, { localName: 'SectionAndGivenVacancy', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedSectionAndVacancy', required: true, typeInfo: '.SectionAndVacancy' }] }, { localName: 'SignalDanger', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'KeyLockIL', baseTypeInfo: '.LogicalDevice', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'acceptsKey', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasTvdSection', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasSlaveLock', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasAutomaticKeyRelease', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasAutomaticKeyRelease' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasAutomaticKeyLock', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasAutomaticKeyLock' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'keyRequestTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'keyRequestTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'keyAuthoriseTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'keyAuthoriseTime' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Keys', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'key', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Key' }] }, { localName: 'SystemAssetConnectedToIL', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'connectedSystemAsset', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'extentOfControl', attributeName: { localPart: 'extentOfControl' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SwitchIL', baseTypeInfo: '.MovableElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'hasFoulingTrainDetectors', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'branchLeft', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'branchRight', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasPositionRestriction', typeInfo: '.SwitchPositionRestriction' }, { name: 'preferredPosition', attributeName: { localPart: 'preferredPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'DetectorInState', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'givenState', required: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorAndGivenState' }] }, { localName: 'ElementState', baseTypeInfo: '.StatesBaseElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'validityTime', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Period' }, { name: 'refersToElement', attributeName: { localPart: 'refersToElement' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'value', attributeName: { localPart: 'value' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'MovableElement', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasGaugeClearanceMarker', minOccurs: 0, maxOccurs: 2, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasTvdSection', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'connectedToPowerSupply', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'relatedMovableElement', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'maxThrowTime', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxThrowTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'typicalThrowTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'typicalThrowTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'returnsToPreferredPosition', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'returnsToPreferredPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isKeyLocked', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isKeyLocked' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'numberOfBladeSwitchActuators', typeInfo: 'NonNegativeInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberOfBladeSwitchActuators' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'numberOfFrogSwitchActuators', typeInfo: 'NonNegativeInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'numberOfFrogSwitchActuators' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OperationalPoint', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'infrastructureManagerRef', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'connectedToLine', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'limitedByBorder', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'opEquipment', typeInfo: '.OpEquipment' }, { name: 'opOperations', typeInfo: '.OpOperations' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'timezone', attributeName: { localPart: 'timezone' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Interfaces', propertyInfos: [{ name: '_interface', required: true, collection: true, elementName: 'interface', typeInfo: '.Interface' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingIS', baseTypeInfo: '.XCrossing', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'protection', typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingProtection' }, { name: 'obstacleDetection', attributeName: { localPart: 'obstacleDetection' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'opensOnDemand', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'opensOnDemand' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'activation', attributeName: { localPart: 'activation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'supervision', attributeName: { localPart: 'supervision' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LocalOperationAreas', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'localOperationArea', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LocalOperationArea' }] }, { localName: 'SpeedSection', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'validForSpeedProfile', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'maxSpeed', attributeName: { localPart: 'maxSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isTemporary', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isTemporary' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isSignalized', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isSignalized' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ApproachStartingDetector', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'delay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMAssociatedPositioningSystem', typeName: 'RTM_AssociatedPositioningSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'intrinsicCoordinate', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMIntrinsicCoordinate' }, { name: 'isValid', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMValidity' }, { name: 'positioningSystemRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'positioningSystemRef' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OverCrossings', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'overCrossing', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.OverCrossing' }] }, { localName: 'CalendarTimePeriodWithBitmask', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriod', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'periodRule', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.PeriodRule' }, { name: 'fromDate', typeInfo: 'Date', attributeName: { localPart: 'fromDate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'bitmask', attributeName: { localPart: 'bitmask' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'DirectPositionListType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'DirectPositionListType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', typeInfo: { type: 'list', baseTypeInfo: 'Double' }, type: 'value' }, { name: 'count', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'count' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'srsDimension', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsDimension' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'srsName', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsName' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'axisLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'axisLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'uomLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'uomLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'EnergyPantograph', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'requiresTSIcompliance', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'requiresTSIcompliance' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'compliantTSITypes', typeInfo: { type: 'list' }, attributeName: { localPart: 'compliantTSITypes' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'nationalPanHeadTypes', typeInfo: { type: 'list' }, attributeName: { localPart: 'nationalPanHeadTypes' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'contactStripMaterials', typeInfo: { type: 'list' }, attributeName: { localPart: 'contactStripMaterials' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'Routes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'route', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Route' }] }, { localName: 'Platform', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'ownsPlatformEdge', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'width', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Length' }, { name: 'length', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Length' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'height', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'height' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalTrainMovement', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'AspectRelatedLevelCrossingDelay', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalAndAspect', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'delay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'delay' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TvdSections', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'tvdSection', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TvdSection' }] }, { localName: 'SignalBoxes', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'signalBox', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalBox' }] }, { localName: 'LoadingGauge', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'code', attributeName: { localPart: 'code' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMAssociatedNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_AssociatedNetElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'geometricCoordinateBegin', typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricCoordinate' }, { name: 'linearCoordinateBegin', typeInfo: '.RTMLinearCoordinate' }, { name: 'geometricCoordinateEnd', typeInfo: '.RTMGeometricCoordinate' }, { name: 'linearCoordinateEnd', typeInfo: '.RTMLinearCoordinate' }, { name: 'netElementRef', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'netElementRef' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'intrinsicCoordBegin', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'intrinsicCoordBegin' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'intrinsicCoordEnd', typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'intrinsicCoordEnd' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'keepsOrientation', required: true, typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'keepsOrientation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'sequence', typeInfo: 'Int', attributeName: { localPart: 'sequence' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'posBegin', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'posBegin' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'posEnd', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'posEnd' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'StoppingPlaces', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'stoppingPlace', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.StoppingPlace' }] }, { localName: 'ShiftablePeriodRule', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriodRule', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'shift', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'shift' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GenericIMs', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'specificIM', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GenericIM' }] }, { localName: 'LineTrafficCode', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', attributeName: { localPart: 'value' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ElementGroup', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'groupType', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'refersToMember', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'OverlapReleaseTimer', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'timerValue', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'timerValue' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'overlapReleaseCondition', attributeName: { localPart: 'overlapReleaseCondition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TimePeriodRuleSituation', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'periodRuleOrPublicHolidayPeriodRuleOrElementBasedPeriodRule', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, elementTypeInfos: [{ elementName: 'periodRule', typeInfo: '.PeriodRule' }, { elementName: 'publicHolidayPeriodRule', typeInfo: '.PublicHolidayPeriodRule' }, { elementName: 'elementBasedPeriodRule', typeInfo: '.ElemBasedPeriodRule' }], type: 'elements' }, { name: 'fromDate', typeInfo: 'Date', attributeName: { localPart: 'fromDate' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'AbstractCurveType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'AbstractCurveType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType' }, { localName: 'HorizontalCurve', baseTypeInfo: '.GeometryCurve', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'curveType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'curveType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'azimuth', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'azimuth' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'deltaAzimuth', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'deltaAzimuth' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'radius', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'radius' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'length', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'length' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalConstruction', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'height', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'height' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'positionAtTrack', attributeName: { localPart: 'positionAtTrack' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OrganizationalUnits', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'infrastructureManager', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.InfrastructureManager' }, { name: 'vehicleManufacturer', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.VehicleManufacturer' }, { name: 'vehicleOperator', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.VehicleOperator' }, { name: 'customer', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Customer' }, { name: 'railwayUndertaking', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RailwayUndertaking' }, { name: 'operationalUndertaking', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.OperationalUndertaking' }, { name: 'concessionaire', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Concessionaire' }, { name: 'contractor', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Contractor' }] }, { localName: 'WeightLimit', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'axleLoad', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'axleLoad' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'meterLoad', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'meterLoad' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMPositioningNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_PositioningNetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMCompositionNetElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'associatedPositioningSystem', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMAssociatedPositioningSystem' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNonLinearNetElement', typeName: 'RTM_NonLinearNetElement', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningNetElement' }, { localName: 'Interlocking', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'assetsForIL', typeInfo: '.AssetsForIL' }, { name: 'controllers', typeInfo: '.Controllers' }, { name: 'signalBoxes', typeInfo: '.SignalBoxes' }, { name: 'specificIMs', typeInfo: '.GenericIMs' }] }, { localName: 'DetectorTypes', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'detectorType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'detectorType' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'InfrastructureStates', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'infrastructureState', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.InfrastructureState' }] }, { localName: 'GenericDetector', baseTypeInfo: '.LogicalDevice', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'detectorType', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'affectsRouteSignalling', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'affectsRouteSignalling' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsSingleOverride', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsSingleOverride' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'allowsPermanentOverride', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsPermanentOverride' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasTriggeredSelfTest', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasTriggeredSelfTest' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'selfTestToleranceTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'selfTestToleranceTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'selfTestInterval', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'selfTestInterval' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMEntityLocation', typeName: 'RTM_EntityLocation', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject' }, { localName: 'SignalIL', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersTo', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'protectsBlockExit', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'releaseSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'releaseSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'malfunctionSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'malfunctionSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'approachSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'approachSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'passingSpeed', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'passingSpeed' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'releaseDelay', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'releaseDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'function', attributeName: { localPart: 'function' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isVirtual', required: true, typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isVirtual' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'callOnAspectTime', typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'callOnAspectTime' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'sightDistance', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'sightDistance' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'CrossingAndPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToCrossing', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'inPosition', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'inPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'MovableCrossing', baseTypeInfo: '.MovableElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'branchUpLeft', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'branchUpRight', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'branchDownLeft', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'branchDownRight', required: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'hasFoulingTrainDetectors', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'preferredPosition', attributeName: { localPart: 'preferredPosition' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrainRadios', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'trainRadio', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TrainRadio' }] }, { localName: 'SimpleLiteral', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/', localPart: 'SimpleLiteral' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'content', collection: true, allowDom: false, type: 'elementRefs' }, { name: 'lang', typeInfo: 'Language', attributeName: { localPart: 'lang', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/www.w3.org\/XML\/1998\/namespace' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'AbstractGMLType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'AbstractGMLType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'description', elementName: { localPart: 'description', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.StringOrRefType' }, { name: 'descriptionReference', elementName: { localPart: 'descriptionReference', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.ReferenceType' }, { name: 'name', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, elementName: { localPart: 'name', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.CodeType' }, { name: 'identifier', elementName: { localPart: 'identifier', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.CodeWithAuthorityType' }, { name: 'id', typeInfo: 'ID', attributeName: { localPart: 'id' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RestrictedArea', baseTypeInfo: '.TrackAsset', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'isLimitedBy', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'RTMLocatedNetEntity', typeName: 'RTM_LocatedNetEntity', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMNetEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'areaLocation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMAreaLocation' }, { name: 'linearLocation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMLinearLocation' }, { name: 'spotLocation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMSpotLocation' }] }, { localName: 'Controllers', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'controller', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Controller' }] }, { localName: 'SignalPlan', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'aspectRelation', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.AspectRelation' }] }, { localName: 'LocationNetwork', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'networkRef', attributeName: { localPart: 'networkRef' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'OverCrossing', baseTypeInfo: '.XCrossing', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'allowedLoadingGauge', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'length', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Length' }, { name: 'constructionType', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'constructionType' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'verbalConstraint', attributeName: { localPart: 'verbalConstraint' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GenericOperatingPeriodDescription', baseTypeInfo: '.PeriodRuleElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'dateSet', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DateWithBitmask' }, { name: 'name', attributeName: { localPart: 'name' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isPublicHoliday', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isPublicHoliday' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'HorizontalCurves', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'horizontalCurve', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.HorizontalCurve' }] }, { localName: 'SignalCatenary', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToElectrificationSection', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'type', attributeName: { localPart: 'type' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'ElectrificationSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'voltage', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'voltage' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'frequency', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'frequency' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrackNode', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'ElementProjection', baseTypeInfo: '.VisualizationBaseElement', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'usesSymbol', typeInfo: '.ElementProjectionSymbol' }, { name: 'refersToElement', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'refersToElement' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingProtection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'barriers', attributeName: { localPart: 'barriers' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lights', attributeName: { localPart: 'lights' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'acoustic', attributeName: { localPart: 'acoustic' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'hasActiveProtection', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'hasActiveProtection' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'DerailerAndGivenPosition', baseTypeInfo: '.AssetAndGivenState', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'relatedDerailerAndPosition', required: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerAndPosition' }] }, { localName: 'EntityILref', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalVehicleEquipment', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'CodeWithAuthorityType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'CodeWithAuthorityType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.CodeType' }, { localName: 'RTMLinearPositioningSystem', typeName: 'RTM_LinearPositioningSystem', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMPositioningSystem', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'anchor', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RTMLinearAnchorPoint' }, { name: 'linearReferencingMethod', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'linearReferencingMethod' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'startMeasure', required: true, typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'startMeasure' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'endMeasure', required: true, typeInfo: 'Double', attributeName: { localPart: 'endMeasure' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'units', required: true, attributeName: { localPart: 'units' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'LineStringType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'LineStringType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.AbstractCurveType', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'pos', elementName: { localPart: 'pos', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.DirectPositionType' }, { name: 'posList', elementName: { localPart: 'posList', namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml' }, typeInfo: '.DirectPositionListType' }] }, { localName: 'EnergyCatenary', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'maxTrainCurrent', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.MaxTrainCurrent' }, { name: 'allowsRegenerativeBraking', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'allowsRegenerativeBraking' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TimePeriod' }, { localName: 'SignalStopPost', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToStoppingPlace', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }] }, { localName: 'RestrictedAreas', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'ownsRestrictedArea', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.RestrictedArea' }] }, { localName: 'ScreenPositioningSystems', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'screenPositioningSystem', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.ScreenPositioningSystem' }] }, { localName: 'AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'AbstractGeometricPrimitiveType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.AbstractGeometryType' }, { localName: 'Topology', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'netElements', required: true, typeInfo: '.NetElements' }, { name: 'netRelations', typeInfo: '.NetRelations' }, { name: 'networks', required: true, typeInfo: '.Networks' }] }, { localName: 'SystemSeparationSection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'lengthSystemSeparation', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'lengthSystemSeparation' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'switchOffBreaker', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'switchOffBreaker' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'lowerPantograph', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'lowerPantograph' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'isSupplySystemChange', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isSupplySystemChange' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'KeyLockIS', baseTypeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructureEntity', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }] }, { localName: 'Infrastructure', baseTypeInfo: '.TElementWithID', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'topology', typeInfo: '.Topology' }, { name: 'geometry', typeInfo: '.Geometry' }, { name: 'functionalInfrastructure', typeInfo: '.FunctionalInfrastructure' }, { name: 'physicalFacilities', typeInfo: '.PhysicalFacilities' }, { name: 'infrastructureVisualizations', typeInfo: '.InfrastructureVisualizations' }, { name: 'infrastructureStates', typeInfo: '.InfrastructureStates' }] }, { localName: 'AbstractGeometryType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'AbstractGeometryType' }, baseTypeInfo: '.AbstractGMLType', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'srsDimension', typeInfo: 'PositiveInteger', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsDimension' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'srsName', attributeName: { localPart: 'srsName' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'axisLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'axisLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'uomLabels', attributeName: { localPart: 'uomLabels' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TElementBitmaskAny', typeName: 'tElementBitmaskAny', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'bitmask', attributeName: { localPart: 'bitmask' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMOrderedCollection', typeName: 'RTM_OrderedCollection', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMElementPartCollection', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'elementPart', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'sequence', typeInfo: 'Integer', attributeName: { localPart: 'sequence' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'TrainRadio', baseTypeInfo: 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}, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'belongsToParent', attributeName: { localPart: 'belongsToParent' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'basedOnTemplate', attributeName: { localPart: 'basedOnTemplate' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'RTMNamedResource', typeName: 'RTM_NamedResource', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMBaseObject', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'name', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.Name' }] }, { localName: 'LocalOperationArea', baseTypeInfo: '.RestrictedArea', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'deactivationKey', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'switchInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SwitchInPosition' }, { name: 'derailerInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DerailerInPosition' }, { name: 'crossingInPosition', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.CrossingInPosition' }, { name: 'detectorInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.DetectorInState' }, { name: 'signalWithAspect', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.SignalWithAspect' }, { name: 'keyLockInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.KeyLockInState' }, { name: 'levelCrossingInState', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingInState' }, { name: 'releasedForLocalOperation', minOccurs: 0, collection: true, typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }] }, { localName: 'Timetable' }, { localName: 'NetRelation', baseTypeInfo: '.RTMRelation' }, { localName: 'LevelCrossingInState', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'givenState', required: true, typeInfo: '.LevelCrossingAndGivenState' }] }, { localName: 'GradientCurves', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'gradientCurve', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.GradientCurve' }] }, { localName: 'GenericRouteType', baseTypeInfo: '.EntityIL', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 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name: 'hasResetStrategy', typeInfo: '.EntityILref' }, { name: 'isBerthingTrack', typeInfo: 'Boolean', attributeName: { localPart: 'isBerthingTrack' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'residualRouteCancellationDelay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'residualRouteCancellationDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'partialRouteReleaseDelay', required: true, typeInfo: 'Duration', attributeName: { localPart: 'partialRouteReleaseDelay' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'technology', attributeName: { localPart: 'technology' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'frequency', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'frequency' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'SignalMilepost', baseTypeInfo: '.SignalX', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'otherAttributes', type: 'anyAttribute' }, { name: 'refersToLine', typeInfo: '.TElementWithIDref' }, { name: 'shownValue', attributeName: { localPart: 'shownValue' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'StoppingPlace', 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name: 'x', required: true, typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'x' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'y', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'y' }, type: 'attribute' }, { name: 'z', typeInfo: 'Decimal', attributeName: { localPart: 'z' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'NetRelations', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'netRelation', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.NetRelation' }] }, { localName: 'TrackBeds', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'trackBed', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TrackBed' }] }, { localName: 'StringOrRefType', typeName: { namespaceURI: 'https:\/\/www.railml.org\/schemas\/3.1\/gml', localPart: 'StringOrRefType' }, propertyInfos: [{ name: 'value', type: 'value' }, { name: 'nilReason', attributeName: { localPart: 'nilReason' }, type: 'attribute' }] }, { localName: 'GenericTimePeriod', baseTypeInfo: '.TimePeriod', propertyInfos: [{ name: 'containedSituation', required: true, collection: true, typeInfo: '.TimePeriodRuleSituation' 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['catenary', 'elementBlocking', 'automaticRouteSetting', 'automaticTrainRouting', 'callOn', 'emergencyStop', 'pointStaggering', 'pointHeating'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLengthType', values: ['physical', 'operational'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TInfrastructureState', values: ['disabled', 'closed', 'operational', 'conceptual', 'planned'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSectionVacancy', values: ['unknown', 'vacant', 'occupied'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTiltingActuationType', values: ['none', 'rollCompensation', 'passive', 'active'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TAndOr', values: ['XOR', 'OR', 'AND'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSignalSpeedType', values: ['execution', 'announcement'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TWiderTrackPosition', values: ['above', 'right', 'left'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TBallastType', values: ['slabTrack', 'ballast'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrainType', values: ['freight', 'tiltingPassenger', 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localName: 'TLineType', values: ['branchLine', 'mainLine'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSwitchType', values: ['doubleSwitchCrossing', 'insideCurvedSwitch', 'ordinarySwitch', 'outsideCurvedSwitch', 'singleSwitchCrossing'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TProtectingSideList', values: ['none', 'outside', 'inside'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSpeedProfileInfluence', values: ['increasing', 'decreasing'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TDetectorStates', values: ['inactive', 'deactivated', 'activated'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLevelCrossingSupervision', values: ['trainManual', 'infrastructureManual', 'infrastructureAutomatic', 'none'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TElementProjectionSymbolOrientation', values: ['left', 'down', 'right', 'up'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLevelCrossingControlTypes', values: ['autonomous', 'fullControlled', 'halfControlled'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TRSFireCategoryType', values: ['none', 'B', 'A'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TCurrentSystem', values: ['DC', 'AC'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TGenericRouteTypeList', values: ['tunnel', 'siding', 'shunting', 'occupied', 'normal', 'nonElectrified', 'callOn'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TIxlTechnologyTypeList', values: ['digital', 'electronic', 'relay', 'electromechanical', 'mechanical', 'manual'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TDerailingPosition', values: ['passablePosition', 'derailingPosition'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TOverlapReleaseCondition', values: ['trainInitiatedTrigger', 'startTimerAfterVacating', 'startTimerUponOccupation'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TDetectorMedium', values: ['radio', 'pneumatic', 'optical', 'mechanical', 'magnetic', 'inductive', 'hydraulic'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrackType', values: ['mainTrack', 'secondaryTrack', 'sidingTrack', 'connectingTrack'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TMaxTrainCurrentValid', values: ['pantograph', 'train'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TVMaxEnd', values: ['end'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TJointsType', values: ['glued', 'insulated', 'welded'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrainDetectionElementType', values: ['axleCounter', 'axleCountingCircuit', 'clearancePoint', 'insulatedRailJoint', 'trackCircuit', 'virtualClearancePoint'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TBrakeType', values: ['none', 'compressedAirBrake', 'vacuumAirBrake', 'cableBrake', 'parkingBrake', 'handBrake'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrainRelation', values: ['endOfTrain', 'midOfTrain', 'headOfTrain'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSwitchPosition', values: ['right', 'left'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSignalFunctionList', values: ['main', 'repeater', 'distant', 'shunting', 'barrage', 'block', 'junction', 'exit', 'intermediateStop', 'intermediate', 'entry'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLineCategory', values: ['E5', 'E4', 'D4xL', 'D4', 'D3', 'D2', 'C4', 'C3', 'C2', 'B2', 'B1', 'A'] }, { type: 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values: ['right', 'left'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSignalLevelCrossingType', values: ['supervision', 'activating', 'announcing', 'whistle', 'bell'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TGradientCurveType', values: ['mixed', 'straight', 'arc'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLockState', values: ['released', 'locked'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TBufferStopType', values: ['sleeperCross', 'headRamp', 'fixedBufferStop', 'brakingBufferStop'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrainMovementType', values: ['shunting', 'allTrains', 'passengerTrains', 'freightTrains'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TSignalVoltageModes', values: ['none', 'nightOnly', 'manual', 'automatic'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TContactStripMaterial', values: ['other', 'sinteredCopper', 'copperCladCarbon', 'carbonCladdedCopper', 'carbonAdditiveMaterial', 'impregnatedCarbon', 'copperAlloy', 'copperSteel', 'plainCarbon', 'copper'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TOpOperationalType', values: 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'conflictingStatus', 'conflictingOverlap', 'conflictingHeadProtection'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TContactState', values: ['closed', 'open'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLevelCrossingProtectionAcoustic', values: ['none', 'bell'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLevelCrossingActivation', values: ['trainAutomatic', 'trainManual', 'infrastructureAutomatic', 'infrastructureManual', 'none'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TTrainRadioNetworkSelection', values: ['automatically', 'byBalise', 'manually'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TDescriptionLevel', values: ['Micro', 'Meso', 'Macro'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TLevelCrossingObstacleDetection', values: ['none', 'manual', 'automatic'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TOpTrafficType', values: ['operational', 'shunting', 'freight', 'passenger'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TApplicationDirection', values: ['both', 'reverse', 'normal'] }, { type: 'enumInfo', localName: 'TCourse', values: ['right', 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'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'identifier', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'source', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'coverage', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'format', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'language', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'description', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'relation', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: 'Rollingstock', typeInfo: '.Rollingstock' }, { elementName: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral' }, { elementName: { localPart: 'subject', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: 'railML', typeInfo: '.RailML' }, { elementName: { localPart: 'date', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'type', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'creator', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'contributor', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'rights', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }, { elementName: { localPart: 'publisher', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' }, typeInfo: '.SimpleLiteral', substitutionHead: { localPart: 'any', namespaceURI: 'http:\/\/purl.org\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/' } }] }; return { railml: railml }; }; if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { define([], railml_Module_Factory); } else { var railml_Module = railml_Module_Factory(); if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports.railml = railml_Module.railml; } else { var railml = railml_Module.railml; } }