higlass / higlass-transcripts

Gene transcripts track for HiGlass
MIT License
6 stars 2 forks source link

Possible `scheduleRerender()` needed to redraw non-transcript track? #1

Open alexpreynolds opened 3 years ago

alexpreynolds commented 3 years ago

Testing this track, it seems to work pretty well! I have run into a couple issues, which I'm documenting here in case they point to some issue.

In one test setup of my single-page web application, its viewconf has four tracks. The second track is a horizontal-multivec track and the fourth track is a horizontal-transcripts track, via the higlass-transcripts plugin.

Within the web application, I have the transcripts track object subscribe to the trackDimensionsModified event to get the new transcript track height whenever switching between "collapsed" and "all-transcripts-visible" modes:

setTimeout(() => {
  const self = this;
  const transcriptsTrackObj = this.mainHgView.api.getComponent().getTrackObject(
  transcriptsTrackObj.pubSub.subscribe("trackDimensionsModified", (msg) => { 
      transcriptsTrackHeight: parseInt(transcriptsTrackObj.trackHeight), // <-- get transcript track height
    }, () => {
      self.updateViewportDimensions(); // <-- recalculate multivec track height
}, 500);

The updateViewportDimensions() generates a viewconf with correct dimensions for all tracks. But the multivec track has the wrong (old) height. It does not redraw itself with the correct (new) height, until I manually pan or zoom the parent HiGlass view.

As a workaround, in order to get the multivec track to redraw, I called scheduleRerender() on that track.

In this modified call, the chromatinStateTrackObj variable refers to the multivec track whose height needs to be adjusted:

setTimeout(() => {
  const self = this;
  const chromatinStateTrackObj = this.mainHgView.api.getComponent().getTrackObject(
  const transcriptsTrackObj = this.mainHgView.api.getComponent().getTrackObject(
  transcriptsTrackObj.pubSub.subscribe("trackDimensionsModified", (msg) => { 
      transcriptsTrackHeight: parseInt(transcriptsTrackObj.trackHeight), // <-- get transcript track height
    }, () => {
      self.updateViewportDimensions(); // <-- recalculate multivec track height
      chromatinStateTrackObj.scheduleRerender(); // <-- redraw the multivec track
}, 500);

Using scheduleRerender() seems to "refresh" the multivec track, so that it renders with the height value specified in the parent viewconf.

I'm not sure if this is a bug, or if I am not using the plugin correctly. I can provide a link to the development site separately (via Slack etc.) if it is helpful to see the issue firsthand.