hijackdrone / hijackdrone-rn

The React Native App that communicates with drone.
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Live video streaming #18

Open leesungbin opened 4 years ago

leesungbin commented 4 years ago

(2) Live streaming 방식 더 찾아볼 것

leesungbin commented 4 years ago

Multi port 이후에 진행

leesungbin commented 4 years ago


Video, image 전송 가능, 대용량 전송을 이걸로 테스트해볼것

leesungbin commented 4 years ago

https://github.com/nkzawa/socket.io-stream https://github.com/substack/stream-handbook


leesungbin commented 4 years ago

Repository 참고

leesungbin commented 4 years ago


leesungbin commented 4 years ago

RTMP 클라이언트 뷰 : https://github.com/perrystreetsoftware/react-native-rtmpview/blob/master/README.md

예제 : https://github.com/sieuhuflit/react-native-live-stream-rtmp-example/tree/master/src/screens

참고 라이브러리 https://github.com/NodeMedia/react-native-nodemediaclient/pulls