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hijiangtao 的 2018 每日阅读计划 #1

Closed hijiangtao closed 5 years ago

hijiangtao commented 6 years ago



ID Date TED Tech Literature Others
1 1.1 The single biggest reason why startups succeed ★JavaScript Factory Functions with ES6+
2 1.2 How to get better at the things you care about ★NectarJS : compiling JavaScript into Native Binaries for Every Platform
3 1.3 The world is one big dataset. Now, how to photograph it ... ★The Top JavaScript Trends to Watch in 2018
4 1.4 When Black women walk, things change ★But really, what is a JavaScript test?
5 1.5 Free yourself from your filter bubbles ★How to write highly readable React code — 10 coding style tips
6 1.6 Before I die I want to ... ★How I made a validation library using ES6 Proxy
7 1.7 Why we laugh ★How to use Web Workers to schedule consistent asynchronous tasks in JavaScript
8 1.8 What we don't teach kids about sex ★深入 HTML5 Web Worker 应用实践:多线程编程
9 1.9 Why 30 is not the new 20 ★JavaScript 运行机制详解:再谈Event Loop
10 1.10 The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain 7 Hacks for ES6 Developers 把时间当作朋友
11 1.11 Why I keep speaking up, even when people mock my accent ★The Importance of Mobile UI Design
12 1.12 What happens in your brain when you pay attention? ★你的Tree-Shaking并没什么卵用
13 1.13 How the blockchain will radically transform the economy ★Use const and make your JavaScript code better
14 1.14 How the blockchain is changing money and business ★React, Redux and JavaScript Architecture
15 1.15 The agony of trying to unsubscribe The Web Tooling Benchmark is a Big Deal
16 1.16 This is what happens when you reply to spam email ★Why I’m Thankful for JS Fatigue. I know you’re sick of those words, but this is different.
17 1.17 How technology evolves ★Why WebAssembly is a game changer for the web — and a source of pride for Mozilla and Firefox
18 1.18 If a story moves you, act on it ★JavaScript Has Already Won
19 1.19 How to speak so that people want to listen ★How JavaScript works: memory management + how to handle 4 common memory leaks
20 1.20 Feats of memory anyone can do ★How JavaScript works: an overview of the engine, the runtime, and the call stack
21 1.21 What do babies think? ★Making WebAssembly even faster: Firefox’s new streaming and tiering compiler
22 1.22 Get comfortable with being uncomfortable ★How JavaScript works: inside the V8 engine + 5 tips on how to write optimized code
23 1.23 My year reading a book from every country in the world ★Learn React.js from Top 45 Tutorials for the past year (v.2018) 人类简史
24 1.24 The voices in my head ★How to Become a React Native Developer in 2018 ×
25 1.25 How reliable is your memory? ★Learn Plain JavaScript from Top Articles for the Past Year (v.2018)
26 1.26 A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided ★Coding Tip: Try to Code Without If-statements
27 1.27 See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income ★你想知道的关于JavaScript作用域的一切
28 1.28 Wisdom from great writers on every year of life 前端开源项目持续集成三剑客
29 1.29 How not to be ignorant about the world React + Electron 搭建一个桌面应用
30 1.30 The beauty of being a misfit ★Modernizing Node.js with idiomatic JavaScript
31 1.31 What we learned from 5 million books ★Learn Web Development from Top Articles of 2017
32 2.1 12 truths I learned from life and writing ★Introduction to NPM Scripts
33 2.2 Why you should define your fears instead of your goals ★How JavaScript works: The building blocks of Web Workers + 5 cases when you should use them
34 2.3 How books can open your mind ★Handle JavaScript data structures with map/reduce
35 2.4 The brain benefits of deep sleep — and how to get more of it ★The increasing nature of frontend complexity 百年孤独
36 2.5 How augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy ★Why would you NOT use TypeScript? 小王子
37 2.6 You have no idea where camels really come from ★Learn Vue.js from Top Articles for the Past Year (v.2018)
38 2.7 A science award that makes you laugh, then think ★Clean Code in React
39 2.8 How I learned to read — and trade stocks -- in prison ★10 Tips for developers
40 2.9 Hidden music rituals around the world ★Here’s What I Learned About Myself When I Tracked Every Hour Of My Day
41 2.10 How I named, shamed and jailed ★Journey to create a web-app to load under 50KB on first-load: Roadblocks and Plans
42 2.11 In search of the man who broke my neck ★JavaScript Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Feb 2018)
43 2.12 Why ordinary people need to understand power 怎样写一个能同时用于 Node 和浏览器的 JavaScript 包?
44 2.13 Are China and the US doomed to conflict? React and HTML : Beware of the traps
45 2.14 "Redemption Song" Building Skeleton Screens with CSS Custom Properties
46 2.15 How jails extort the poor 高质量Node.js微服务的编写和部署
47 2.16 Why a good book is a secret door 自动化、跨浏览器的 JavaScript 单元测试
48 2.17 The gift and power of emotional courage HTML5 file API加canvas实现图片前端JS压缩并上传
49 2.18 Taking imagination seriously 5 Questions with Max Li, JavaScript Developer
50 2.19 Do schools kill creativity? The Mistakes I Made As a Beginner Programmer
51 2.20 Bring on the learning revolution! The Little Guide for OOP in JS
52 2.21 Your elusive creative genius Elegant patterns in modern JavaScript: RORO
53 2.22 Looking for a job? Highlight your ability, not your experience 5 points to improve your programming logic
54 2.23 A life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes Functional JS with ES6 — Recursive Patterns
55 2.24 7 principles for building better cities Using Promise.prototype.finally in Node.js
56 2.25 I was held hostage for 317 days. Here's what I thought about… 8 React Interview Questions for 2018
57 2.26 What makes us feel good about our work? 🎼webpack 4: released today!!✨
58 2.27 Why the best hire might not have the perfect resume Stop, Take a Break, And Just Think (The Life-Changing Habit of Thinking)
59 2.28 How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists Automatic git Commit and Push
60 3.1 How to make choosing easier How to JavaScript in 2018
61 3.2 A kinder, gentler philosophy of success 我放弃了 Google 的工作,因为他们拒绝给我买圣诞礼物
62 3.3 Happiness by design 完全理解Python迭代对象、迭代器、生成器
63 3.4 Everything you hear on film is a lie Why Flutter Uses Dart 沸腾十五年
64 3.5 Designing for simplicity Why Flutter Will Take Off in 2018
65 3.6 My 12 pairs of legs Please stop using console.log(), it’s broken…
66 3.7 Why jobs of the future won't feel like work Accessing Nested Objects in JavaScript
67 3.8 The amazing story of the man who gave us modern pain relief JavaScript Top 10 Articles for the Past Month (v.Mar 2018)
68 3.9 A project of peace, painted across 50 buildings How JavaScript works: tracking changes in the DOM using MutationObserver
69 3.10 Behind the Great Firewall of China How JavaScript works: Service Workers, their lifecycle and use cases
70 3.11 What ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet Please Stop Using Local Storage
71 3.12 What's next in 3D printing Reading and Writing JSON Files with Node.js
72 3.13 How to build an information time machine What is the difference between React.js and React Native?
73 3.14 Does racism affect how you vote? How to Deal with Stupid
74 3.15 Questioning the universe 译文:Puppeteer 与 Chrome Headless —— 从入门到爬虫
75 3.16 Texting that saves lives React16新特征总览
76 3.17 Dare to disagree Here’s how you can actually use Node environment variables 时间简史
77 3.18 There's no such thing as not voting Differences between git merge and git rebase -
78 3.19 Your social media "likes" expose more than you think Animations and more: CSS vs JavaScript
79 3.20 How (and why) Russia hacked the US election Who Killed The Junior Developer? 动物庄园
80 3.21 3 new ways to kill mosquitoes 十倍效能提升——Web 基础研发体系的建立
81 3.22 Why I make robots the size of a grain of rice 源码笔记:Nodejs 如何高效的获取时间戳而不影响性能的?
82 3.23 Hidden cameras that film injustice in the world’s most dangerous places 抄代码,造轮子是怎样影响我的编程学习的?
83 3.24 The greatest machine that never was Interesting ECMAScript 2017 proposals that weren’t adopted
84 3.25 Courage is contagious
85 3.26 The conversation we're not having about digital child abuse
86 3.27 Grit: The power of passion and perseverance
87 3.28 Making sense of a visible quantum object
88 3.29 The antidote to apathy
89 3.30 Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy?
90 3.31 Activism needs introverts
91 4.1 Why the only future worth building includes everyone
92 4.2 A visual history of social dance in 25 moves
93 4.3 A new equation for intelligence
94 4.4 Grow your own clothes
95 4.5 How (and why) Russia hacked the US election
96 4.6 The Web as a city 深入理解Node.js:核心思想与源码分析 神经外科的黑色喜剧
97 4.7 The beauty of what we'll never know Here are examples of everything new in ECMAScript 2016, 2017, and 2018
98 4.8 Billy Collins: Two poems about what dogs think (probably) An Event Apart: The Way of the Web
99 4.9 David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 minutes Understanding React Render Props by Example
100 4.10 Apollo Robbins: The art of misdirection Elegant patterns in modern JavaScript: Ice Factory
101 4.11 Nadia Lopez: Why open a school? To close a prison 8 steps to turn imperative JavaScript class to a functional declarative code
102 4.12 Tania Luna: How a penny made me feel like a millionaire A Comprehensive Guide to React.js in 2018
103 4.13 Christopher Emdin: Teach teachers how to create magic 前端工程师为什么要学习编译原理?
104 4.14 Bill Gates: How state budgets are breaking US schools An Introduction to NGINX for Developers
105 4.15 Eli Pariser: Beware online "filter bubbles" How to escape async/await hell
106 4.16 Nonny de la Peña: The future of news? Virtual reality Here are three upcoming changes to JavaScript that you’ll love
107 4.17 Alan Smith: Why you should love statistics -
108 4.18 Harald Haas: Forget Wi-Fi. Meet the new Li-Fi Internet
109 4.19 Alex Laskey: How behavioral science can lower your energy bill Designing very large (JavaScript) applications
110 4.20 Daniel Schnitzer: Inventing is the easy part. Marketing takes work 如何评价页面的性能
111 4.21 Aziza Chaouni: How I brought a river, and my city, back to life 境外业务性能优化实践
112 4.22 Dianna Cohen: Tough truths about plastic pollution Flex 布局教程:语法篇
113 4.23 Stefan Sagmeister: Things I've learned in my life so far ★[]()
114 4.24 James Green: 3 moons and a planet that could have alien life ★[]() 看不见的城市
115 4.25 Wanuri Kahiu: Fun, fierce and fantastical African art The Node.js Project Introduces Latest Release Line: Node.js 10.x
116 4.26 Rob Harmon: How to keep rivers and streams flowing ★[]()
117 4.27 George Steinmetz: Photos of Africa, taken from a flying lawn chair iOS新闻类App内容页技术探索
118 4.28 Rita Pierson: Every kid needs a champion ★[]()
119 4.29 Mei Lin Neo: The fascinating secret lives of giant clams ★[]()
120 4.30 Math can help uncover cancer's secrets ★[]()
121 5.1 What will future jobs look like? ★[]()
122 5.2 Tom Wujec: Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast ★[]()
123 5.3 Malte Spitz: Your phone company is watching ★[]()
124 5.4 Jonas Eliasson: How to solve traffic jams ★[]()
125 5.5 Abha Dawesar: Life in the "digital now" ★[]()
126 5.6 Kevin Breel: Confessions of a depressed comic ★[]()
127 5.7 JD Schramm: Break the silence for suicide attempt survivors ★[]()
128 5.8 Ruby Wax: What's so funny about mental illness? ★[]()
129 5.9 Robin Chase: Excuse me, may I rent your car? ★[]()
130 5.10 []() ★[]()
131 5.11 []() ★[]()
132 5.12 []() ★[]()
133 5.13 []() ★[]()
134 5.14 []() ★[]()
135 5.15 []() ★[]()
136 5.16 []() ★[]()
137 5.17 []() ★[]()
138 5.18 []() ★[]()
139 5.19 []() ★[]()
140 5.20 []() ★[]()
141 5.21 Seth Berkley: The troubling reason why vaccines are made too late ... if they're made at all ★[]()
142 5.22 Raymond Wang: How germs travel on planes -- and how we can stop them ★[]()
143 5.23 Edith Widder: How we found the giant squid 为 Luy 实现 React Fiber 架构
144 5.24 David Gallo: Underwater astonishments ★[]()
145 5.25 Jake Wood: A new mission for veterans -- disaster relief ★[]()
146 5.26 Erik Hersman: Reporting crisis via texting ★[]()
147 5.27 Bill Gates: The next outbreak? We're not ready ★[]()
148 5.28 Caitria + Morgan O'Neill: How to step up in the face of disaster Build the future of the web with modern JavaScript (Google I/O ’18) 沉默的大多数
149 5.29 Michael Bierut: The genius of the London Tube Map ★[]()
150 5.30 Paola Antonelli: The 3,000-year history of the hoodie Using JavaScript Variables as Object Keys 查令十字街84号
151 5.31 Caroline Weaver: Why the pencil is perfect How to JavaScript in 2018
152 6.1 Daniel Engber: How the progress bar keeps you sane 嫌疑人X的献身
153 6.2 Kyra Gaunt: How the jump rope got its rhythm
154 6.3 Isaac Mizrahi: How the button changed fashion
155 6.4 David Rockwell: The hidden ways stairs shape your life
156 6.5 Margaret Gould Stewart: How the hyperlink changed everything
157 6.6 Nagin Cox: What time is it on Mars?
158 6.7 Xavier De Kestelier: Adventures of an interplanetary architect
159 6.8 Lisa Nip: How humans could evolve to survive in space
160 6.9 Dylan Marron: How I turn negative online comments into positive offline conversations An Introduction to Service Workers in JavaScript
161 6.10 Carin Bondar: The birds and the bees are just the beginning
162 6.11 Ashton Cofer: A plan to recycle the unrecyclable React in patterns
163 6.12 Adam Savage: How simple ideas lead to scientific discoveries JavaScript engine fundamentals: Shapes and Inline Caches
164 6.13 Morgana Bailey: The danger of hiding who you are
165 6.14 Ash Beckham: We're all hiding something. Let's find the courage to open up Google I/O 2018 On PWA & AMP – Everything That You Need To Know
166 6.15 Geena Rocero: Why I must come out 为什么我不使用 shrinkwrap(lock)
167 6.16 Lee Mokobe: A powerful poem about what it feels like to be transgender 科普文:为什么不能在服务器上 npm install ?
168 6.17 []() React and ES6 - Part 3, Binding to methods of React class (ES7 included)
169 6.18 []() Building Web Components with Vanilla JavaScript
170 6.19 Douglas L. Oliver: The science of hearing Beyond single-page apps: alternative architectures for your PWA (Google I/O '18)
171 6.20 Ellen Jorgensen: Biohacking -- you can do it, too Sunsetting React Native
172 6.21 Sebastian Wernicke: How to use data to make a hit TV show ★[]()
173 6.22 []() Understanding V8’s Bytecode
174 6.23 []() React Native at Airbnb
175 6.24 []() The Technology
176 6.25 []() Building a Cross-Platform Mobile Team
177 6.26 []() What’s Next for Mobile
178 6.27 []() How JavaScript works: the internals of Shadow DOM + how to build self-contained components -
179 6.28 []() Losing .bind(this) in React -
180 6.29 []() How to write your first React.js component -
181 6.30 []() 深入探讨前端组件化开发 -
182 7.1 []() 大前端时代前端监控的最佳实践 -
183 7.2 []() N-API: Next generation APIs for Node.js native addons available across all LTS release lines -
184 7.3 []() How you can improve your workflow using the JavaScript console -
185 7.4 []() The Best Explanation of JavaScript Reactivity -
186 7.5 []() Let’s fall in love with React Fiber -
187 7.6 []() JavaScript code cleanup: how you can refactor to use Classes -
188 7.7 []() Chrome DevTools 101: Debugging JavaScript -
189 7.8 []()
190 7.9 []()
191 7.10 []()
192 7.11 []()
193 7.12 []()
194 7.13 []()
195 7.14 []() Modern JavaScript for Ancient Web Developers -
196 7.15 []() JavaScript Scope and Closures -
197 7.16 []() Code Splitting in React Using React Loadable -
198 7.17 人工智能和人类如何能够共存 When to use Component or PureComponent -
199 7.18 []() React.PureComponent Considered Harmful -
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hijiangtao commented 6 years ago
hijiangtao commented 5 years ago


Shawn Achor: The happy secret to better work

hijiangtao commented 5 years ago

2018年阅读计划完成率不合格 56.1%