hikalkan / scs

TCP Server/Client Communication and RMI Framework
MIT License
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Problem with stress testing #11

Open Zhong-Tong opened 8 years ago

Zhong-Tong commented 8 years ago


First of all, thanks for your great work on the project! I'm having an issue with stress testing, when the clients communicate with the server in a parallel way, I would got a AccessViolationException from mscorlib.dll!System.Threading._IOCompletionCallback.PerformIOCompletionCallback.

I'm suspecting it's caused by TcpClient EndReceive method but cannot approve it. The code sample can be found here:

Client App:

class Program
    static List<string> clients = new List<string>() { };

    static void Main()
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

        Thread worker = new Thread(ThreadTask);
        worker.IsBackground = true;

        Console.WriteLine("Press enter to disconnect from server...");
        Console.ReadLine(); //Wait user to press enter


    static void ThreadTask()
        Parallel.ForEach(clients, c =>
            new Action(() =>

    static void CreateClient(string c)
        while (true)
            Console.Write(c + ", ");
            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                //Create a client object to connect a server on (local) IP and listens 10085 TCP port
                using (var client = ScsClientFactory.CreateClient(new ScsTcpEndPoint("", 10085)))
                        //Create a SynchronizedMessenger that uses the client as internal messenger.
                        using (var synchronizedMessenger = new SynchronizedMessenger<IScsClient>(client))
                            client.Connect(); //Connect to the server
                            synchronizedMessenger.Start(); //Start synchronized messenger messenger

                            var messageText = "MESSAGE FROM CLIENT:" + c; //Get a message from user

                            //Send a message to the server
                            synchronizedMessenger.SendMessage(new ScsTextMessage(messageText));

                            //Receive a message from the server
                            var receivedMessage = synchronizedMessenger.ReceiveMessage<ScsTextMessage>();


                            synchronizedMessenger.Stop(); //Stop synchronized messenger messenger


                            client.Disconnect(); //Disconnect to the server
                    catch { }





Server App:

class Program
    static void Main()
        //Create a server that listens 10085 TCP port for incoming connections
        var server = ScsServerFactory.CreateServer(new ScsTcpEndPoint(10085));

        //Register events of the server to be informed about clients
        server.ClientConnected += Server_ClientConnected;
        server.ClientDisconnected += Server_ClientDisconnected;

        server.Start(); //Start the server

        Console.WriteLine("Server is started successfully. Press enter to stop...");
        Console.ReadLine(); //Wait user to press enter

        server.Stop(); //Stop the server

    static void Server_ClientConnected(object sender, ServerClientEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A new client is connected. Client Id = " + e.Client.ClientId);

        //Register to MessageReceived event to receive messages from new client
        e.Client.MessageReceived += Client_MessageReceived;

    static void Server_ClientDisconnected(object sender, ServerClientEventArgs e)
        Console.WriteLine("A client is disconnected! Client Id = " + e.Client.ClientId);

    static void Client_MessageReceived(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
        var message = e.Message as ScsTextMessage; //Server only accepts text messages
        if (message == null)

        //Get a reference to the client
        var client = (IScsServerClient)sender;

        Console.WriteLine(message.Text + " FROM CLIENT - " + client.ClientId);

        //Send reply message to the client
            new ScsTextMessage(
                message.MessageId //Set first message's id as replied message id

Please kindly have a test and suggest.

