hikashi / multi-robot-rrt-exploration-melodic

A platform for executing RRT exploration in ROS Melodic and Ubuntu 18.04LTS
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Some Problems when launching single_tb3_house.launch #5

Open yunlongguo2000 opened 2 years ago

yunlongguo2000 commented 2 years ago

Hello, when I launching single_tb3_house.launch, there is an error with

while processing /home/leon/catkin_explore/src/multi-robot-rrt-exploration-melodic/ros_multitb3/launch/includes/move_base2.launch: Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/home/leon/catkin_explore/src/multi-robot-rrt-exploration-melodic/ros_multitb3/launch/includes/move_base2.launch'

I change move_base2.launch to move_base.launch then the Gazobo has died and no robot and scene in the Rviz at all !

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<boost::lock_error> >' what(): boost: mutex lock failed in pthread_mutex_lock: Invalid argument

Could you please tell me where is wrong? Thanks a lot !

2022-04-21 17-45-02屏幕截图

sandilyasg commented 1 year ago

@Leon-Kuo were you able to solve it? Can you please post how you solved the issue? Thanks

hikashi commented 1 year ago

can you provide more information on this? I have tried to follow the setup using fresh ubuntu 18.04 and not able to recreate this issue.

Daviesss commented 6 months ago

DId you solve this issue ?