hikettei / cl-waffe2

[Experimental] Graph and Tensor Abstraction for Deep Learning all in Common Lisp
MIT License
122 stars 5 forks source link

[Enhancement] Improved the user experience on *using-backend* #83

Closed hikettei closed 10 months ago

hikettei commented 10 months ago

Added a (show-backends) function.

CL-WAFFE2-REPL> (show-backends)

─────[All Backends Tree]──────────────────────────────────────────────────

[*]CPUTENSOR: OpenBLAS=available
    └[-]JITCPUTENSOR: compiler=gcc flags=(-fPIC -O3 -march=native) viz=NIL

[*]LISPTENSOR: Common Lisp implementation on matrix operations
    └[-]JITLISPTENSOR: To be deleted in the future release. do not use this.

[-]SCALARTENSOR: is a special tensor for representing scalar values.

[-]DEBUGTENSOR: Not anymore used.

([*] : in use, [-] : not in use.)
Add a current-backend-state method to display the status.

Priority: Higher <───────────────────>Lower
                  CPUTENSOR LISPTENSOR 

(use a with-devices macro or set-devices-toplevel function to change this parameter.)

CPUTensor tries to find libblas.dylib without any configurations.