hikikomoriphoenix / Beedio

Android app that lets you find downloadable videos as you browse the web. Allows queuing downloads. Also includes bookmarking and ad-blocking features for easier browsing experience.
GNU General Public License v2.0
148 stars 44 forks source link

please increase versionCode #51

Open IzzySoft opened 5 years ago

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

versionCode seems still untouched – though v1.0.2 definitely isn't the first version, it's still set to 1:

package: name='marabillas.loremar.lmvideodownloader' versionCode='1' versionName='1.0.2' platformBuildVersionName=''

As that's how Android decides whether it's an update or not, could you please increase this number with each release? How much is up to you as long as the number is higher than it ever was before (you can use it as "release counter", or have it reflect the versionName ("major x 10000 + minor x 100 + patch"), whatever you prefer). Thanks!

hikikomoriphoenix commented 5 years ago

Thanks for letting me know, I will do so in the next update

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Then I can enable auto-updates :smiley: And if you want to link to it: I've just added your app to my repo (updates will be fetched automatically within 24h of your adding a new tag and attaching the APK to it).

Besides, looks good by my library scanner – so if you wish, I could assist you getting your app listed in the official F-Droid repo, which only accepts fully-FOSS apps (which yours seems to be – unless I missed something, or there are 3rd party JARs needed to build it).

hikikomoriphoenix commented 5 years ago

Wow. That's so cool. Thanks!

Besides, looks good by my library scanner – so if you wish, I could assist you getting your app listed in the official F-Droid repo, which only accepts fully-FOSS apps (which yours seems to be – unless I missed something, or there are 3rd party JARs needed to build it).

I was planning to do so but I'd like to improve the app first before publishing it. The UI looks pretty bad and performance is also clunky.

IzzySoft commented 5 years ago

Glad you like it – and thanks for polishing! (I cannot tell if that's needed as I'm not using the app myself – but quality improvement always sounds good :smile:)

Ping me then if you need assistance getting it to F-Droid's official repo (disclosure: I'm one of the F-Droid maintainers).