hilarak / odoo_community_addons

Odoo Community Addons (My works) Hilar AK
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
23 stars 24 forks source link

Right Scroll Bar is not appearing or missing in HR Dashboard 11.0 (Odoo 11) #1

Closed Faraz76 closed 6 years ago

Faraz76 commented 6 years ago

Dear Hilarak,

Today i have installed your HR Dashboard Module...its a excellent work and off course lot of hard work and efforts has been contributed by you.

As i am testing this module, i found that scroll bar is not appearing at HR Dashboard Module. see attached screen short).

I have tested it with different browsers such as IE, Chrome, Firefox.

dashboard screen short

hilarak commented 6 years ago

Scroll bar is actually disabled, and I will improve much more css in next version. You can explicitly give scroll bar as overflow: scroll;

prakashjain commented 5 years ago

Odoo 12 hr_dashboard installed. https://screenshots.firefox.com/sCEWXEPxO0fQd2pr/localhost Extra space in right side (20 to 30 %) due to space Y-axis scroll not visible, after scroll x-axis to end then only visible. Is any way to remove extra space in right side. Thanks