hilarak / odoo_community_addons

Odoo Community Addons (My works) Hilar AK
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Site crushed when I disable "Autofooter" #13

Closed KomarovAlea closed 5 years ago

KomarovAlea commented 5 years ago


By default in Odoo activated "Autofooter". When I disable it, my site is crushed and I get error.

DanielMaimba commented 5 years ago

I also experienced this same issue, has there been any progress on this?

KomarovAlea commented 5 years ago

You can fixing it, if disable template with id "footer_extend". Or even remove this template

    <template id="footer_extend" inherit_id="website.footer_custom">
        <xpath position="replace" expr="//h2"/>

in file /odoo-debrand-11/views/views.xml and reinstall this module in Odoo