hilburn / AdvancedSystemsManager

Advanced Systems Manager is a forked and updated version of Vswe's Steve's Factory Manager mod
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Alpha release #48

Closed hilburn closed 8 years ago

hilburn commented 8 years ago

This will happen soon (within 24hrs) last chance for @way2muchnoise to raise any issues

Shotch commented 8 years ago

\o/ hype for more testing

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

cracks knuckles Let's do this

Haggle1996 commented 8 years ago

Will the alpha release be in-place compatible with SFM? Or will my players need to redo all SFM machinery?

ghost commented 8 years ago

I dont believe any version will be in-place compatible with SFM. They are separate mods, your players will need to redo their machines and code. AFAIK.

Haggle1996 commented 8 years ago

Would be nice if there was a utility to save an SFM script and reload it in ASM, but completely understand the time and difficulties. Excited for the alpha release!

ghost commented 8 years ago

@Haggle1996 I think he is going to work on something but not until the end.

hilburn commented 8 years ago

@Haggle1996 - there are a number of problems with the compatibility between the two. I will see what I can do before it goes into a proper (beta) release though

hilburn commented 8 years ago

Oh and to everyone involved in this conversation - taking suggestions for recipes for the Fluid Gate because I suck at them

ghost commented 8 years ago

Same as the block gate but with an empty bucket instead of a pickaxe?

hilburn commented 8 years ago

Yeah that was pretty much what I was thinking