hilburn / AdvancedSystemsManager

Advanced Systems Manager is a forked and updated version of Vswe's Steve's Factory Manager mod
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[Issue] ASM crashed on world load up #84

Open accessdenied0 opened 8 years ago

accessdenied0 commented 8 years ago

Hey @hilburn,

I used you mod now for quite a while and it was working perfectly fine, but I recently can't load up my world anymore. I tried to remove some of the updates I made, I was playing around with some mod I added and was able to drag it down: EquivalentEnergistics - 0.6. It was somehow messing around with your mod.

I put a shortened version of the log here: http://pastebin.com/4kuBLNb0

I maybe inform the mod author from Equivalent-Energistics, too.


Mordenkainen commented 8 years ago

Updating status here because this seems to be the "parent" issue.

It appears the following code within FML is blowing up:

        public UniqueIdentifier(String string)
            String[] parts = string.split(":");
            this.modId = parts[0];
            this.name = parts[1];

It almost seems like one of my items is not being tagged with the ModID correctly. But, I don't know which item it is. I will try implementing similar code directly within EqE and see if I can determine the cause.

I will duplicate this info in the issue on my side and track further details there since at least initially it does look like a problem on my side.

hilburn commented 8 years ago

@Mordenkainen thanks for looking into it, if you find out how you managed it can you let me know?

for... reasons :)

Mordenkainen commented 8 years ago

I wrote a small method to loop through the item registry and call GameRegistry.findUniqueIdentifierFor() for each item. I had no issues. All items had the appropriate modId.

Mind you, EqE has undergone some pretty extensive changes since 0.6 and this may have been an issue that was fixed along the way.

At this point I can not say for sure that it was something in EqE that caused this.

When the next version of EqE is released I would suggest that you retest this issue to see if it is resolved.

Mordenkainen commented 8 years ago


If you would like to recreate the users issue and ensure that the issue isn't something on your end, here is a suggestion.

Just before ModItemHelper.java#L30, add something like the following:

String test = GameData.getUniqueName((String)key);

Set a conditional breakpoint on line 30 (now 31) with the condition:

test.indexOf(":") == -1

This should cause the code to break if it encounters an item with a name that does not contain a ":". Then you can see what item it is.

You could also assert((String)key == test).

Looking at the FML code, an item name without "modId:" seems to be the most likely cause.

hilburn commented 8 years ago

Still not sure what the hell is going on here, but it's fixed

accessdenied0 commented 8 years ago

Hey @Mordenkainen,

I just found another mod with the same issue here: https://github.com/Thutmose/Thut-Elevators

But how I see you guys are fixing it already, so it doesn't might be important anymore...
