hilburn / NotEnoughResources

Adds resources to NEI
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Small rendering change in the Ore Gen GUI #50

Closed FantasyTeddy closed 9 years ago

FantasyTeddy commented 9 years ago

Hi guys I changed some minor things in the rendering of the ore gen GUI (and also matched the color of the background texture to the NEI background). Because I'm fairly new to Minecraft modding, give me some feedback please and if my changes are okay, I'm going to adapt the rest of the NEI GUIs too (background color).


way2muchnoise commented 9 years ago

Could you add screenshots from before and after the changes?

FantasyTeddy commented 9 years ago

Sure, here we go:

Before: before

After: after

They are only minor changes and the most noticeable thing is the matching background...