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Crash with IC2 Classic #65

Open Speiger opened 8 years ago

Speiger commented 8 years ago

It is cool that you made a @Mod thingy for your function that loads the IC2 Oregen stuff but you forgot one thing. Ic2 Classic uses also IC2 as modID so your stuff will be not deleted... So he still tries to import exp classes when classic is loaded... Sadly Player sees no reason to implement a second modID like Classic to solve these kind of problems... And also you can not make a inverted request of ModID with FML (which is a shame but who cares)... Find a better way to load your plugins. (check if classic and ic2 id are loaded)

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

Find a better way to load your plugins. (check if classic and ic2 id are loaded)

If only you could phrase that so it doesn't sound like a command. Then I might consider it.

Speiger commented 8 years ago

I know that i type sometimes that hard... sry for that...

bookerthegeek commented 8 years ago

Please great and wonderful mod author, if it would not be to difficult, would you be able to find a way to fulfill the request from the asshat who commanded you to do this thing?

bookerthegeek commented 8 years ago

No hate @Speiger, you know we all love you. :)

Speiger commented 8 years ago

Note: I am not trying to excuse.

For me it is hard to write any form of text. But i still try my best to do that... But when i writed this thing here i simply got a trigger active which got activated by this thing here: "- Fixes incompatibility with "IC2 Classic" which registers itself as mod-id ic2 for some sadistic reason" where i just jump into i do not care about "You" mode and just told the problem no matter what you think about it. In combo with the text writing problem...

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

Could you provide a log of the crash?

Speiger commented 8 years ago

@way2muchnoise simply as soon your IC2 Plugin gets loaded it crashes... Simply because the @Optional thing does not work.. .(Can not find class crash) (because ic2classic does not have the MainConfig class)

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

Not really a crash log tho. Would still like to see one. Also got any contribution as to what you want to do to see it fixed. As you can't change your ModId, what can you do? Should I provide a hook? Do you have a compat class ready?

Speiger commented 8 years ago

Well since ic2 Exp has not his own modID it will be hard to fix it with @Optional... Only thing is you make a reflection based loading system that checks if IC2 Classic is not loaded which should be way easier since IC2 Classic has his own modID... And if you want a crashlog then just make a little modpack with IC2 Classic NEI and NER... Then you have it...