hilburn / NotEnoughResources

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Server Keeps Shutting Down? #70

Closed DerpyShadowz closed 8 years ago

DerpyShadowz commented 8 years ago

This could be a Forestry issue or a NotEnoughResources issue, I'm not sure. But it looks like either of them, because this piece of code keeps popping up each time the server shuts down.

[EDITED] Don't post logs in issues, provide a link to a pastebin, gist or alike

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

What version of NER are you using? Also could you remove the log from the issue and make a link to pastebin or alike

DerpyShadowz commented 8 years ago

@way2muchnoise Version 0.1.0-121, the second most recent one I could find on Curse I didn't want to use the Alpha one yet.

way2muchnoise commented 8 years ago

Try 0.1.0-122 http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/notenoughresources/files/2272500

DerpyShadowz commented 8 years ago

@way2muchnoise Alright, will try that. Thanks for now.

DerpyShadowz commented 8 years ago

@way2muchnoise It seems to work, so thanks for that.