hilburn / StevesAddons

Additional functionality for SFM
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AE Connector not connecting #50

Closed agentrenamon closed 9 years ago

agentrenamon commented 9 years ago

I can't use the Energistics Connector, since it always auto-breaks whenever it touches anything that's part of the AE2 mod. The StevesAddon config file is set: "B:applied_energistics_2=true", and nothing else seems to be malfuntioning (the duplicator made moving my auto-compressor rig insanely simple)! I'm using AE2 version rv2-beta-7, and Steve's Factory Manager A93.

Please Help; I need the Connector to work in order to make a certain farming build a reality.

hilburn commented 9 years ago

can you check your security settings on the AE network?

agentrenamon commented 9 years ago

Blank Card in it, on a single-player map. I also tried with a card set for all permissions possible, just to test; but I got the same result. It connects fine to any AE2 cables/ blocks not currently linked to a network; but the moment it becomes linked to one, POP! It acts like it was mined. REALLY hoping this is just a bug.

BTW, in case it's something weird, also have loaded the following AE2-related addons:

hilburn commented 9 years ago

Well I build against AE2-rv2-beta-22 and it works fine there. Try removing the security system entirely and see if that works

tgstyle commented 9 years ago

I had to use a blank card with build permissions enabled in order for it to work. Any way to make it part of the ME Security without that?

agentrenamon commented 9 years ago

tgstyle is right; I did the same thing, and now it works fine! Maybe the Connector is a bit fickle about Security Settings or something....

Edit: .... and my first attempt blew up in my face! Here's the crashlog: http://pastebin.com/KfLdJaTb

And a snapshot of my setup. It was suppose to keep a certain number of workbenches in the system for use with Thaumcraft4; The Reciever and button are just for testing, as it the chest. I'm hoping I'm just an idiot... < http://imgur.com/xSA2GxR >

hilburn commented 9 years ago

AE is a bit fickle about security settings As for the crash - Try with AE2-beta-22, if you still get the crash report it on their github

way2muchnoise commented 9 years ago

@agentrenamon AE-devs changed the AEItemStack.create() from taking an Object to taking an ItemStack and since we compile against the ItemStack it can't find that method. Just updating to a more recent beta will fix it. Something rv2-beta-22 or higher will do.

agentrenamon commented 9 years ago

Update to beta 22; and now i'm having a no-win fight with Thaumic Energistics... I hate my life sometime...

hilburn commented 9 years ago


agentrenamon commented 9 years ago

Found a good work-around for my AE project: Turns out that the Factory Manager recognizes the AE2 Network Interface as a valid inventory to Input from and Output to. This means I can sort out issues at my leisure.