hildebra / lotus2

Amplicon sequencing pipelines suitable for SSU (16S, 18S), LSU (23S, 28S) and ITS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error Assigning taxonomy with SILVA #43

Closed rjain1990 closed 9 months ago

rjain1990 commented 11 months ago

I am getting below error while using SILVA as database. However earlier it worked well with custom database.

CMD failed: /home/rjain/miniconda3/envs/lotus2/bin/vsearch --usearch_global /zfs/omics/personal/rjain/AMF/output_SLV_lotus2//OTU.fna --db /home/rjain/miniconda3/envs/lotus2/share/lotus2-2.25-0//DB//SLV_138.1_SSU.fasta.vudb --id 0.75 --query_cov 0.5 -userfields query+target+id+alnlen+mism+opens+qlo+qhi+tlo+thi+ql -userout /zfs/omics/personal/rjain/AMF/output_SLV_lotus2//tmpFiles//tax.0.blast --maxaccepts 100 --maxrejects 100 -strand both --threads 24

these are the last few line of Lotus_progout.log

[M::main] CMD: /home/rjain/miniconda3/envs/lotus2/bin/minimap2 -x sr --sr -u both --secondary=no -N 30 -c -t 24 -o /zfs/omics/personal/rjain/AMF/output_SLV_lotus2//tmpFiles//otu_seeds.fna.phiX.0.cont_hit.paf /home/rjain/miniconda3/envs/lotus2/share/lotus2-2.25-0//DB//phiX.fasta /zfs/omics/personal/rjain/AMF/output_SLV_lotus2//tmpFiles//otu_seeds.fna [M::main] Real time: 0.072 sec; CPU: 0.043 sec; Peak RSS: 0.003 GB vsearch v2.23.0_linux_x86_64, 251.8GB RAM, 64 cores https://github.com/torognes/vsearch

Reading UDB file /home/rjain/miniconda3/envs/lotus2/share/lotus2-2.25-0//DB//SLV_138.1_SSU.fasta.vudb

Fatal error: Unable to read from UDB file or invalid UDB file

Any suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

hildebra commented 11 months ago

Hey, can you try switching from vsearch to lambda for doing alignments? It seems the vudb file is corrupted , or was not correctly created. Might be a problem with diskspace? best, Falk