hildebra / lotus2

Amplicon sequencing pipelines suitable for SSU (16S, 18S), LSU (23S, 28S) and ITS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
52 stars 17 forks source link

TaxOnly option specified, but not an output dir. #46

Closed slambrechts closed 1 year ago

slambrechts commented 1 year ago


When I run:

lotus2 -taxOnly OTUs.fasta -o lotustax -refDB KSGP_v1.0.fasta -tax4refDB KSGP_v1.0.tax -taxAligner usearch -ITSx 0 -t 48

I get:

TaxOnly option specified, but not an output dir. Assumming:
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/primary/’: Permission denied
mkdir: missing operand
Try 'mkdir --help' for more information.
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/LotuSLogS/’: Permission denied
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/ExtraFiles/’: Permission denied
Can't open Logfile /LotuSLogS/LotuS_run.log

I also tried with the absolute path to the output directory etc, but I keep getting the same error message.

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

hildebra commented 1 year ago

Hey Sam, maybe try: lotus2 -taxOnly /path/toOTUs.fasta -refDB KSGP -taxAligner lambda -t 12

slambrechts commented 1 year ago

lotus2 -taxOnly ./OTUs.fasta does idd not result in the mkdir errors. Although he still assumes no output directory is specified, while I do list it using the -o parameter...

Lotus2 does seem to start however and sets the output directory at OTUs.fasta/tmp

-taxOnly needs to be followed by the input file right? Or am I doing this wrong?

KSGP is already an option for -refDB? Because I am buidling the UDB database myself now as a custom db with the KSGP files from https://ksgp.earlham.ac.uk/

hildebra commented 1 year ago

Hey Sam, can you make sure you use the latest github version of lotus2 (2.28)? There were some recent changes to -taxOnly, the conda version can make problems sometimes as it doesn't have the latest updates

slambrechts commented 1 year ago

Ah ok, thanks, I was indeed using the conda version, I will try again with the latest git version

slambrechts commented 1 year ago

When using the latest github version, lotus2 still assumes no output directory is specified, while I do list it using the -o parameter. I tried both with -o lotustax and -o ./lotustax

A bit further down the line I get the following error message:

cp: cannot create regular file '/kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea//tmp/': Not a directory

But not sure whether this is important, because I did get taxonomic identifications for my OTUs this time:

Taxonomy for
           has been assigned to

which look good!

Full lotus screen output:

(Rbase) [vsc46214@node4116 archaea]$ lotus2 -taxOnly /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea/OTUs.fasta -o ./lotustax -refDB KSGP -taxAligner blast -ITSx 0 -t 64
TaxOnly option specified, but not an output dir. Assumming: /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea/
Using tmp outdir /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea//tmp/
 00:00:00 ______       _____       ________  ___
          ___  / ________  /____  ___  ___/ |__ \
          __  /  _  __ \  __/  / / /____ \  __/ /
          _  /___/ /_/ / /_ / /_/ /____/ / / __/
          /_____/\____/\__/ \__,_/ /____/ /____/

          LotuS 2.28
          perl /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/lotus2/lotus2
          -taxOnly /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea/OTUs.fasta
          -o ./lotustax -refDB KSGP -taxAligner blast -ITSx 0 -t 64
------------ I/O configuration --------------
Output      /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea//tmp/
SDM options
TempDir     /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea//tmpFiles/
NumCores    64
------------ Pipeline config   --------------
Sequencing platform     miseq
Amplicon target         bacteria, SSU
Dereplication filter    -derepMin 8:1,4:2,3:3
Clustering algorithm    UPARSE -> OTU's
Read mapping to OTU     minimap2, at 0.97 %id cutoff
Precluster read merging No
Ref Chimera checking    Yes (DB=/kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/lotus2//DB//rdp_gold.fa, -chim_skew 2)
deNovo Chimera check    Yes
Tax assignment          Blast (-LCA_frac 0.8, -LCA_cover 0.5, -LCA_idthresh 97,95,88,83,81,78,0)
ReferenceDatabase       KSGP
RefDB location          /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/lotus2//DB//KSGP_v1.0.fasta
OTU phylogeny           Yes (mafft, fasttree2)
Unclassified OTU's      Kept in matrix
Skipping Quality Filtering & demultiplexing & dereplication step
No qual filter, demultiplexing or clustering required, as taxonomy only requested
Creating Blast formated reference, this may take awhile..
 00:01:44 Assigning taxonomy against /kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/lotus2//DB//KSGP_v1.0.fasta
          using BLAST
cp: cannot create regular file '/kyukon/scratch/gent/vo/001/gvo00123/vsc46214/longreads/archaea//tmp/': Not a directory
 00:17:41 Taxonomy for
           has been assigned to
hildebra commented 1 year ago

Hey Sam, thanks for confirming this works. If I find the time I'll try to implement the -o option correctly, it seems you ran into a problem there and it's likely in the pipeline. All the best, Falk