hilen / TSVoiceConverter

A Swift VoiceConverter between AMR format and WAV format
MIT License
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Failed to convert amr to wav #7

Closed NicholasFLee closed 6 years ago

NicholasFLee commented 6 years ago

Hello there, I have a .amr file downloaded from server, and it failed to convert to wav by TSVoiceConverter. the file is: http://img.nikkitoday.com/test/v2/resource/public?rid=5a26576047e6260007b8b8ca

NicholasFLee commented 6 years ago

solved because Android side problem.

hilen commented 6 years ago

I tried to debug the file, and it showed amr header string is empty. image

And the hello.amr file in the project showed magic:#!AMR. So you can check the file's info.

NicholasFLee commented 6 years ago

@hilen Lesson learned, thanks for your time to debug it :)