hilios / jQuery.countdown

The Final Countdown plugin for jQuery
MIT License
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Days counter is not working properly #340

Open RichuEn opened 1 year ago

RichuEn commented 1 year ago

The "Days" section of the counter is not changing since yesterday. I've used %n to calculate the Days left until the next complete month, but it has been showing a static number since yesterday. https://codepen.io/RichuEn/pen/rNKJzMo

I'm comparing it to this website to check whether it works correctly. https://www.thecalculatorsite.com/time/date-calculator.php

AnnaZrust commented 5 months ago

I had this same issue. It was always for me happening when the days left should show 8 or more days. I replaced the %d variable for %D and now it works fine.