hill-a / stable-baselines

A fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
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In gym env ,how to put prediction about future state in current state? #1097

Closed MariamDundua closed 3 years ago

MariamDundua commented 3 years ago

I am using for RL model stable baseline library. When I am constructing state of the model, in one place I need the prediction about the futur state. I decided to use models expected next state. Example is below:

env = make_vec_env('CartPole-v1', n_envs=4)

model = A2C(MlpPolicy, env, verbose=1)

del model # remove to demonstrate saving and loading

model = A2C.load("a2c_cartpole")

obs = env.reset()
while True:
    action, _states = model.predict(obs)
    obs, rewards, dones, info = env.step(action)

In order to construct env , I need information about _statesfrom model.predict(obs). So my problem is put _statesinformation in my current state. When I set_statesin my state, the training of model gives me error: TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable I wrote in my state _states[0], I need a prediction of the first state. From My error message, I realize, that _states is 'NoneType'. Where I am wrong?

Here is the small version of my state : Initial state:

state =[data.RS.tolist()] + \

df is pandas dataframe. RS and L_GDP_RW_GAP are df's columns When I want to update the state I am using:

state[0]=action + _states[0] #(Here I want to  use prediction of future value of state zero)
state[1]=state[0]+ action 
Miffyli commented 3 years ago

I did not quite understand what you are trying to achieve. Could you provide full code that throws the error?

Note that we do not offer much tech support for custom hacks/modifications (these issues are for bugs/enhancements). You could also take a look at stable-baselines3 which works around PyTorch and is easier to modify.

MariamDundua commented 3 years ago

Here is my env for training

class StockEnvTrain(gym.Env):
    """A stock trading environment for OpenAI gym"""
    metadata = {'render.modes': ['human']}

    def __init__(self, df):
        #super(StockEnv, self).__init__()
        #money = 10 , scope = 1
        self.day = day
        self.df = df

        # action_space normalization and shape 
        self.action_space = spaces.Box(low = -1, high = 1,shape = (1,))  

        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(low=0, high=np.inf, shape = (23,))
        # load data from a pandas dataframe
        self.data = self.df.iloc[-1,:]
        self.dataa = self.df.iloc[-4,:]
        self.terminal = False  
        # initalize state
        self.state =[self.data.RS.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_RW_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_RW_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RS_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.PREM.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.dataa.L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.D4L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_S.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP.tolist()] + \
        # initialize reward
        self.reward = 0
        #self.cost = 0
        # memorize all the total balance change
        self.asset_memory = self.data.sum_deviance.tolist()
        self.rewards_memory = []
        #self.trades = 0

    def _sell_stock(self,action):
        self.state[0] =self.df.iloc[-1].RS+ action
        self.state[1] = rho_L_GDP_RW_GAP*self.df.iloc[-1].L_GDP_RW_GAP
        self.state[2]= rho_DLA_CPI_RW*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI_RW + (1-rho_DLA_CPI_RW)*ss_DLA_CPI_RW
        self.state[4] = rho_RR_RW_BAR*self.df.iloc[-1].RR_RW_BAR + (1-rho_RR_RW_BAR)*ss_RR_RW_BAR
        self.state[5]= rho_RS_RW*self.df.iloc[-1].RS_RW + (1-rho_RS_RW)*(self.state[4] + self.state[2])

        self.state[6] = (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) - _states[16]   # 1 D4L_CPI
        self.state[7] = rho_RR_BAR*self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR + (1-rho_RR_BAR)*ss_RR_BAR
        self.state[8]= -_states[16] - self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR + (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR - ss_RR_BAR       
        self.state[9]= rho_DLA_Z_BAR*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR + (1-rho_DLA_Z_BAR)*ss_DLA_Z_BAR
        self.state[10]=0.25*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR + self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR - 0.25*rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + 0.25*ss_DLA_Z_BAR
        self.state[11]= (-2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - _states[14]*a1 + _states[14] + self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI*a1 + _states[9] - 4.0*self.state[3] + 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI + 4.0*_states[17]*e1 - 4.0*_states[17] - 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 + 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR + self.state[4] + (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) - self.state[5] + a2*a3*b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action)) + a2*a3*(self.state._states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3) + 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW - (2.0*e1 - 1.0)*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR) + (a2*a3*b2*b4 - 1.0)*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)    
        self.state[12]=-_states[9] + self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - self.state[4] - self.state.rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR

        self.state[13] = (4.0*self.state[3]*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action))*(-a2*a3 + a2 + 4.0) - b2*(_states[9] + self.state[4])*(b4 - 1.0) - b2*(b4 - 1.0)*(-_states[14]*a1 + _states[14]+ _states[14]*a1) + b2*(b4 - 1.0)*(2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - 4.0*_states[17]*e1 + 4.0*_states[17] + 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + self.state[5] - 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW) + b2*(-b4 + 2.0*e1*(b4 - 1.0) + 1.0)*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR) - b2*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR)*(-a2*a3*b4 + a2*b4 + 3.0*b4 + 1.0) - (_states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3)*(-a2*a3 + a2 + 4.0))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)
        self.state[14] =  (4.0*_states[14]*a1 - 4.0*_states[14] - 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI*a1 + 4.0*self.state[3]*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - 4.0*a2*a3*b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action)) - 4.0*a2*a3*(_states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3) - a2*(_states[9] + self.state[4])*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) + a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR)*(2.0*a3*b2*e1*(b4 - 1.0) - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 2.0*e1*(a3 - 1.0) + 1.0) - a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR)*(4.0*a3*b2*b4 - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 1.0) + a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0)*(2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - 4.0*L_S_1*e1 + 4.0*L_S_1 + 4.0*L_S__1*e1 - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + self.state[5] - 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)  
        self.state[15]=(_states[14]*a1 - _states[14] - self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI*a1 + self.state[3]*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI - self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - a2*a3*b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action)) - a2*a3*(_states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3) - 0.25*a2*(_states[9] + self.state[4])*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) + 0.25*a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR)*(2.0*a3*b2*e1*(b4 - 1.0) - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 2.0*e1*(a3 - 1.0) + 1.0) - 0.25*a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR)*(4.0*a3*b2*b4 - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 1.0) + 0.25*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0)*(2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - 4.0*_states[17]*e1 + 4.0*_states[17] + 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + self.state[5] - 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)
        self.state[16]=(_states[14]*a1 - _states[14] - self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI*a1 + self.state[3]*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI -  self.df.iloc[-4].L_CPI*(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0) - self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) - a2*a3*b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action)) - a2*a3*(_states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3) - 0.25*a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR + self.state[4])*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) + 0.25*a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR)*(2.0*a3*b2*e1*(b4 - 1.0) - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 2.0*e1*(a3 - 1.0) + 1.0) - 0.25*a2*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR)*(4.0*a3*b2*b4 - a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) - a3 + 1.0) + 0.25*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0)*(2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - 4.0*_states[17]*e1 + 4.0*_states[17] + 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + self.state[5] - 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)        
        self.state[17] = 0.5*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - 0.25*_states[9] + 0.5*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*e1*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - _states[17]*e1 + _states[17] + self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 + 0.25*self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - 0.25*self.state[4] - 0.25*(self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + 0.25*self.state[5] - 0.5*e1*rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR - 0.5*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW + 0.5*e1*ss_DLA_Z_BAR - 0.25*rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + 0.25*ss_RR_BAR
        self.state[18] = (-2.0*self.D4L_CPI_TAR*e1 - _states[14]*a1 + _states[14] + self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_CPI*a1 + _states[9] - 4.0*self.state[3] + 4.0* self.df.iloc[-1].L_CPI + 4.0*_states[17]*e1 - 4.0*_states[17] - 4.0*self.df.iloc[-1].L_S*e1 + self.df.iloc[-1].L_Z_BAR*a2*(a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a3 - 1.0) + self.state[4] + (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) - self.state[5] + a2*a3*b2*b4*(_states[16] - (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action)) + a2*a3*(_states[13]*b1 + self.state[1]*b3) + 2.0*e1*ss_DLA_CPI_RW + (a2*a3*b2*b4 - 1.0)*(self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR - rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR + ss_RR_BAR) + 0.25*(self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_Z_BAR*rho_DLA_Z_BAR - rho_DLA_Z_BAR*ss_DLA_Z_BAR + ss_DLA_Z_BAR)*(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 8.0*e1))/(a2*a3*b2*(b4 - 1.0) + a2*a3 - a2 - 4.0)
        self.state[19] = rho_DLA_GDP_BAR*self.df.iloc[-1].DLA_GDP_BAR + (1-rho_DLA_GDP_BAR)*ss_DLA_GDP_BAR
        self.state[22]=self.data.sum_deviance.values ###შეიძლება შეცვლა

        self.df=self.df.append({'RS':self.state[0],'L_GDP_RW_GAP':self.state[1],'DLA_CPI_RW':self.state[2],'L_CPI_RW':self.state[3],'RR_RW_BAR':self.state[4],'RS_RW':self.state[5],'RR':self.state[6],'RR_BAR':self.state[7],'RR_GAP':self.state[8],'DLA_Z_BAR':self.state[9],'L_Z_BAR':self.state[10],'L_Z_GAP':self.state[11],'PREM':self.state[12],'L_GDP_GAP':self.state[13],'DLA_CPI':self.state[14],'L_CPI':self.state[15],'D4L_CPI':self.state[16],'L_S':self.state[17],'L_Z':self.state[18],'DLA_GDP_BAR':self.state[19],'L_GDP_BAR':self.state[20],'L_GDP':self.state[21],'sum_deviance':self.state[22]},ignore_index = True)

    def step(self, action):
        # print(self.day)
        self.terminal = self.count>1000
        # print(actions)

        if self.terminal:
            end_total_asset = self.state[22]

            df_total_value = pd.DataFrame(self.asset_memory)
            #print("total_reward:{}".format(self.state[0]+sum(np.array(self.state[1:(STOCK_DIM+1)])*np.array(self.state[(STOCK_DIM+1):61]))- INITIAL_ACCOUNT_BALANCE ))
            #print("total_cost: ", self.cost)
            #print("total_trades: ", self.trades)
            df_total_value.columns = ['account_value']
            #sharpe = (252**0.5)*df_total_value['daily_return'].mean()/ \
            #     df_total_value['daily_return'].std()
            #print("Sharpe: ",sharpe)
            df_rewards = pd.DataFrame(self.rewards_memory)

            # print('total asset: {}'.format(self.state[0]+ sum(np.array(self.state[1:29])*np.array(self.state[29:]))))
            #with open('obs.pkl', 'wb') as f:  
            #    pickle.dump(self.state, f)

            return self.state, self.reward, self.terminal,{}

            # print(np.array(self.state[1:29]))

            #action = action[0][0]
            #actions = (actions.astype(int))

            begin_total_asset = np.var(df.D4L_CPI.iloc[43:])+np.var(df.L_GDP.iloc[43:])

            #argsort_actions = np.argsort(actions)

            #sell_index = argsort_actions[:np.where(actions < 0)[0].shape[0]]
            #buy_index = argsort_actions[::-1][:np.where(actions > 0)[0].shape[0]]


            #self.day =-1
            self.data = self.df.iloc[-1,:]
            #load next state
            # print("stock_shares:{}".format(self.state[29:]))
            self.state =[self.data.RS.tolist()] + \
                        [self.data.L_GDP_RW_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_RW_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RS_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.PREM.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.dataa.L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.D4L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_S.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP.tolist()] + \

            end_total_asset =np.var(df.D4L_CPI.iloc[43:])+np.var(df.L_GDP.iloc[43:])

            self.reward = -1*(end_total_asset - begin_total_asset)            
            # print("step_reward:{}".format(self.reward))

            self.reward = self.reward

        return self.state, self.reward, self.terminal, {}

    def reset(self):
        self.asset_memory =self.data.sum_deviance.tolist()
        #self.day = -1
        self.data = self.df.iloc[-1,:]
        self.dataa = self.df.iloc[-4,:]
        self.cost = 0
        self.trades = 0
        self.terminal = False 
        self.rewards_memory = []
        #initiate state
        self.state =[self.data.RS.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_RW_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_CPI_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_RW_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RS_RW.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.RR_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.PREM.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_GAP.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.dataa.L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.D4L_CPI.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_S.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_Z.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.DLA_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP_BAR.tolist()] + \
                     [self.data.L_GDP.tolist()] + \
        # iteration += 1 
        return self.state

    def render(self, mode='human'):
        return self.state

    def _seed(self, seed=None):
        self.np_random, seed = seeding.np_random(seed)
        return [seed]    

After I am trying to train the model

env_train = DummyVecEnv([lambda: StockEnvTrain(df)])
obs_train = env_train.reset()
model = A2C('MlpPolicy', env_train, verbose=0)
start = time.time()
#model = PPO2('MlpPolicy', env_train, ent_coef = 0.005, nminibatches = 8)
end = time.time()
for i in range(1000):
  action, _states = model.predict(obs_trade)
  obs_trade, rewards, dones, info = env_trade.step(action)
  if i == 10000:
    last_state = env_trade.render()

It gives me error:

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/stable_baselines/a2c/a2c.py in learn(self, total_timesteps, callback, log_interval, tb_log_name, reset_num_timesteps)
    261                 callback.on_rollout_start()
    262                 # true_reward is the reward without discount
--> 263                 rollout = self.runner.run(callback)
    264                 # unpack
    265                 obs, states, rewards, masks, actions, values, ep_infos, true_reward = rollout

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/stable_baselines/common/runners.py in run(self, callback)
     46         self.callback = callback
     47         self.continue_training = True
---> 48         return self._run()
     50     @abstractmethod

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/stable_baselines/a2c/a2c.py in _run(self)
    359             if isinstance(self.env.action_space, gym.spaces.Box):
    360                 clipped_actions = np.clip(actions, self.env.action_space.low, self.env.action_space.high)
--> 361             obs, rewards, dones, infos = self.env.step(clipped_actions)
    363             self.model.num_timesteps += self.n_envs

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/stable_baselines/common/vec_env/base_vec_env.py in step(self, actions)
    148         """
    149         self.step_async(actions)
--> 150         return self.step_wait()
    152     def get_images(self) -> Sequence[np.ndarray]:

/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/stable_baselines/common/vec_env/dummy_vec_env.py in step_wait(self)
     42         for env_idx in range(self.num_envs):
     43             obs, self.buf_rews[env_idx], self.buf_dones[env_idx], self.buf_infos[env_idx] =\
---> 44                 self.envs[env_idx].step(self.actions[env_idx])
     45             if self.buf_dones[env_idx]:
     46                 # save final observation where user can get it, then reset

<ipython-input-90-faf7c1a0a093> in step(self, action)
--> 242             self._sell_stock(action)

<ipython-input-90-faf7c1a0a093> in _sell_stock(self, action)
    169         self.state[5]= rho_RS_RW*self.df.iloc[-1].RS_RW + (1-rho_RS_RW)*(self.state[4] + self.state[2])
--> 171         self.state[6] = (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) - _states[16]   # 1 D4L_CPI
    172         self.state[7] = rho_RR_BAR*self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR + (1-rho_RR_BAR)*ss_RR_BAR
    173         self.state[8]= -_states[16] - self.df.iloc[-1].RR_BAR*rho_RR_BAR + (self.df.iloc[-1].RS+action) + rho_RR_BAR*ss_RR_BAR - ss_RR_BAR

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

I realized from this error that _states[16] is NoneType and I wanted to use it as a prediction of a future state

Miffyli commented 3 years ago

That does not seem to have anything to do with stable-baselines (a bug in the environment). Please only post issues here if you spot a bug in the stable-baselines library itself.

Closing as "no tech support".