hill-a / stable-baselines

A fork of OpenAI Baselines, implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms
MIT License
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DDPG log output uses scientific notation too soon for episodes #545

Open jkterry1 opened 4 years ago

jkterry1 commented 4 years ago

Here's an example intermittent print out from DDPG:

| reference_Q_mean        | 49.8     |
| reference_Q_std         | 6.61     |
| reference_action_mean   | -0.621   |
| reference_action_std    | 0.752    |
| reference_actor_Q_mean  | 50.4     |
| reference_actor_Q_std   | 6.42     |
| rollout/Q_mean          | 46.9     |
| rollout/actions_mean    | 0.137    |
| rollout/actions_std     | 0.806    |
| rollout/episode_steps   | 178      |
| rollout/episodes        | 2.13e+03 |
| rollout/return          | 82.2     |
| rollout/return_history  | 92       |
| total/duration          | 828      |
| total/episodes          | 2.13e+03 |
| total/epochs            | 1        |
| total/steps             | 379998   |
| total/steps_per_second  | 459      |
| train/loss_actor        | -69.6    |
| train/loss_critic       | 1.11     |
| train/param_noise_di... | 0        |

For the rollout and total episodes, they're represented in scientific notation, which is harder to read at a glance, even though they're not long enough to require it. You can see that it makes the values longer than they otherwise would be, and that for say total/steps a longer number is represented there. Also none of the other RL methods do this. I know this is minor, but it's annoying enough to be worth fixing. Can someone please look into it?

Code to reproduce:

import gym
import numpy as np
import warnings
import os
from stable_baselines.results_plotter import load_results, ts2xy

best_mean_reward, n_steps = -np.inf, 0

def callback(_locals, _globals):
  Callback called at each step (for DQN an others) or after n steps (see ACER or PPO2)
  :param _locals: (dict)
  :param _globals: (dict)
  global n_steps, best_mean_reward
  # Print stats every 1000 calls
  if (n_steps + 1) % 1000 == 0:
      # Evaluate policy training performance
      x, y = ts2xy(load_results(log_dir), 'timesteps')
      if len(x) > 0:
          mean_reward = np.mean(y[-100:])
          print(x[-1], 'timesteps')
          print("Best mean reward: {:.2f} - Last mean reward per episode: {:.2f}".format(best_mean_reward, mean_reward))

          # New best model, you could save the agent here
          if mean_reward > best_mean_reward:
              best_mean_reward = mean_reward
              # Example for saving best model
              print("Saving new best model")
              _locals['self'].save(log_dir + 'best_model.pkl')
  n_steps += 1
  return True

log_dir = "/tmp/gym/"
os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True)

from stable_baselines.ddpg.policies import MlpPolicy
from stable_baselines.common.vec_env import VecVideoRecorder, DummyVecEnv
from stable_baselines.ddpg.noise import NormalActionNoise, OrnsteinUhlenbeckActionNoise, AdaptiveParamNoiseSpec
from stable_baselines import DDPG
from stable_baselines.bench import Monitor

env = gym.make('MountainCarContinuous-v0')
env = Monitor(env, log_dir, allow_early_resets=True)

n_actions = env.action_space.shape[-1]
param_noise = None
action_noise = OrnsteinUhlenbeckActionNoise(mean=np.zeros(n_actions), sigma=float(0.5) * np.ones(n_actions))

model = DDPG(MlpPolicy, env, verbose=1, param_noise=param_noise, action_noise=action_noise, tensorboard_log='./ddpg_tensorboard')
model.learn(total_timesteps=400000, callback=callback)

obs = env.reset()

while True:
    action, _states = model.predict(obs)
    obs, rewards, dones, info = env.step(action)
araffin commented 4 years ago


I think this display may come from this line where the number of episodes becomes a float. Feel free to submit a PR if you think this is useful. I consider this as really minor and would recommend you to use SAC or TD3 anyway.