hillstreetlabs / kimono

👘 Opening the kimono one time-lock at a time
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v0.1 spec #1

Open pfletcherhill opened 6 years ago

pfletcherhill commented 6 years ago

Best-case behavior:

  1. Revealer B adds itself to contract (public key, minimum reward, stake) by staking S ERASE tokens.
  2. Repeat step (1) for N revealers B, C, ...
  3. User A creates a message, including IPFS link to encrypted data, block to be revealed, time lock reveal period (in number of blocks), time lock reward (in ERASE), hash of secret, K (number of secret shares needed to reconstruct), list of N secret shares (hash of secret share, encrypted secret share using revealer's public key, address of revealer).
  4. Revealers running kimono client see new message on contract and parse list of secret shares. If they see a secret share that is their own, they note the block to be revealed.
  5. When the block to be revealed happens, all N revealers with secret shares included in the original list decrypt the encrypted secret share and post the decrypted version to the contract.
  6. Anyone watching the contract waits until K revealers have posted their decrypted secret share and try to reconstruct the original secret. When they reconstruct a secret that hashes to the hash on the contract, they post the secret (allowing anyone to decrypt the data in IPFS) and record themselves as the reconstructor (if no one else has reconstructed it yet).
  7. Since every revealer posted their decrypted secret share, the time lock reward is split into N + 1 pieces and distributed to each revealer and the third party reconstructor.


mertcelebi commented 6 years ago

Point 3 could probably also take the N Ethereum addresses, so for point 4, users of the kimono client can just watch for events which have their own addresses

mertcelebi commented 6 years ago

Another point is that we should have some form of buffer (ie +/- 5 blocks) for the block to reveal

pfletcherhill commented 6 years ago

kimono-js spec

const kimono = new Kimono(<web3 provider>);
const receipt = await kimono.createMessage({
  secretKey: <signed message>,
  revealAtBlock: <block number to be revealed>,
  reward: <reward in native token (in "wei")>,
  minFragments: <Shamir's k>,
  totalFragments: <Shamir's n>
pfletcherhill commented 6 years ago

kimono-cli spec

> PRIVATE_KEY=0x000... kimono reveal
> PRIVATE_KEY=0x000... kimono combine
gkaemmer commented 6 years ago


export PRIVATE_KEY=0xblah...
kimono reveal
kimono combine
kimono reveal:test -N 10
mertcelebi commented 6 years ago

kimono-cli spec will probably have a kimono signup or something like that to set the initial parameters of the user.

Maybe we can have a --malicious option for demo purposes