himanshuran / Startup

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Enhancement: Develop a User-Friendly Backend and Frontend for the ML Model #1

Open himanshuran opened 11 months ago

himanshuran commented 11 months ago

Project Overview: We have recently uploaded a machine learning model to this repository that holds great potential. To make it more accessible and user-friendly, we are seeking assistance in developing a robust backend and frontend for the project. This is an open-source initiative, and we welcome contributions from the community to help us achieve this goal. And name the project, FundCorp.

Objective: The primary goal of this issue is to build a user-friendly interface around our ML model that will facilitate its use by a wider audience. This includes creating a backend to handle model predictions and a frontend to provide an intuitive user interface.

Backend Requirements:

Develop a backend system that can efficiently serve predictions from the machine learning model. Implement RESTful APIs to interact with the model. Handle requests, process data, and return results in a timely manner. Ensure scalability to accommodate a growing user base. Frontend Requirements:

Create a user-friendly web-based interface for users to interact with the ML model. Design an intuitive user interface with clear instructions and a visually appealing layout. Implement user input forms for data input and options for customization. Display model predictions in a user-friendly format. Ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers. Collaboration: We encourage collaboration on this open-source project and welcome contributions from developers, designers, and anyone interested in improving the user experience of our ML model.

Tech Stack: We are open to using various technologies for both the backend and frontend, as long as they align with best practices and community preferences. Feel free to suggest technologies you are comfortable working with.

How to Get Started: If you're interested in contributing to this project, please follow these steps:

Fork this repository. Create a new branch for your work. Begin working on the backend and/or frontend components. Once you have made progress, submit a pull request to the main repository. Join our discussions and collaborate with other contributors in the project's issues and pull requests. Additional Information: Feel free to ask any questions or seek clarification on any aspect of this project. We're excited to see this machine learning model become more accessible and user-friendly, and your contributions will play a significant role in making that happen.

Let's work together to enhance the user experience of our machine learning model!

HrushabhPatade commented 11 months ago

Hello @himanshuran

I'm Hrushabh, excited to express my interest in contributing to this project! I will be taking the lead on developing the backend using Flask Python framework and creating the frontend with HTML, CSS, and JS to enhance the user experience of our machine learning model.

I'll be collaborating with my team members, @Dhirajphalak, @shubham3700, and @SAHILPISAL3105, who will also be actively contributing to this effort.

I kindly request permission to fork the project repository and make the necessary updates. Once our work is complete, we'll submit a pull request for your review.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of this exciting open-source project, and I'm looking forward to collaborating with the project maintainers and the community to make it even better.

Best regards Hrushabh N. Patade

himanshuran commented 11 months ago

@HrushabhPatade @Dhirajphalak @shubham3700 @SAHILPISAL3105

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our machine learning project. We're thrilled to have you and your team on board to enhance the user experience.

I have granted you and your team members permission to fork this repository and contribute. Please feel free to create a new branch for your work, and don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance along the way.

We appreciate your commitment to building the backend using Flask and the frontend with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Your contributions will play a vital role in achieving our goal of making this machine learning model more accessible and user-friendly.

Once your work is ready, kindly submit a pull request to the main repository, and we'll review it promptly. Collaboration is at the core of open source, and we look forward to working together to make this project a success.

If you have any suggestions, ideas, or questions related to the project, please don't hesitate to share them. Together, we can create something valuable for the community.

Thank you once again for your dedication to this initiative, and we look forward to seeing your contributions.

Best regards,

Himanshu Rane

SAHILPISAL3105 commented 11 months ago

Thank you for trusting us! We would give our best from our side.

shubham3700 commented 11 months ago

Hello, Himanshu

I and Dhirajphalak will be working on Frontend of your website.

Dhirajphalak commented 11 months ago


I will be continuing the FrontEnd Part and Project Description.