I can show a plot and append new data points to it with "chartRef.addDataPoint".
For some reason I cant set all data new. Below is how my plot module is made:
init() is for upload data for the plot, server side.
data_updated() is for when new data should be appended the current plot
data_changed() is for creating a new plot. It is using init() to update the data variable.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong, or a work around?
<script context="module">
import Chart from 'svelte-frappe-charts';
let active_tid = 0;
let data = {};
export async function init(msg){
console.log("Create data for plot")
active_tid = msg.tid;
data = {
labels: msg.timestamps.map((epoch) => {
let d = new Date(epoch*1000).toLocaleTimeString(); //toLocaleString();
return d;
datasets: [
values: msg.values.map((dp) =>{
return dp.toFixed(2);
return msg.timestamps[msg.timestamps.length - 1];
export let plotHeader = '';
import {tid, ended, consumption_kwh, last_plotindex} from '../../transaction_store'
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import {page} from '$app/stores';
let tooltipOptions = {
formatTooltipX: (d) => (d + "").toUpperCase(),
formatTooltipY: (d) => (d + " kW")
let axisOptions = {
xAxisMode: "tick",
xIsSeries: true,
yAxisMode: 'span'
let lineOptions = {
dotSize: 3, // default: 4
hideDots: 1,
spline: 0
let chartRef;
function addDataPoint(timestamp, value) {
chartRef.addDataPoint(timestamp, [value]);
async function data_updated(consumption){
if(consumption == 0){
let plot_response = await fetch(`/${$page.params.stationid}/control/station_plotdata.json?tid=${$tid}&from=${$last_plotindex+1}`);
let tinfo = {};
let msg = await plot_response.json();
if(msg.timestamps.length == 0){
for (let i=0; i<msg.timestamps.length; i++){
addDataPoint(new Date(msg.timestamps[i]*1000).toLocaleTimeString(), msg.values[i].toFixed(2));
$last_plotindex = msg.timestamps[msg.timestamps.length - 1];
catch (err){
console.log("Request plot", err)
async function data_changed(tid){
console.log("Change plot data for TID:", tid);
let plot_response = await fetch(`/${$page.params.stationid}/control/station_plotdata.json?tid=${tid}`);
let tinfo = {};
let msg = await plot_response.json();
if(msg.timestamps.length == 0){
$last_plotindex = msg.timestamps[msg.timestamps.length - 1];;
catch (err){
console.log("Request plot", err)
onMount(async () => {
//console.log("On mount", $page.params.stationid)
//Update the plot when the consumption changes
//$: data_updated($consumption_kwh);
$: $tid && $tid != active_tid && data_changed($tid);
<div id="chart">
<Chart id="plotDiv" data={data} title={plotHeader} tooltipOptions={tooltipOptions} axisOptions={axisOptions} lineOptions={lineOptions} bind:this={chartRef}/>
I can show a plot and append new data points to it with "chartRef.addDataPoint".
For some reason I cant set all data new. Below is how my plot module is made:
init() is for upload data for the plot, server side. data_updated() is for when new data should be appended the current plot data_changed() is for creating a new plot. It is using init() to update the data variable.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong, or a work around?