hinesboy / mavonEditor

mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
MIT License
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$imgDel使用file作为参数 #460

Open u-sho opened 5 years ago

u-sho commented 5 years ago


There is a difference between documents and actual implementation of $imgDel function.


I checked the params of $imgDel(params) with console.log(params) .
Documents says that the imgDel function is given String: filename . However, the params was an array like this.

[filename, FILE]

So, it is needed to fix document or to change implementation.

To Resolve

Target File



|imgDel | String: filename, File: imgfile | 图片文件删除回调事件(filename: 写在md中的文件名, File: File Object) |


            delete this.img_file[pos[0]];
                                  // ^changed
u-sho commented 5 years ago

This is my Nuxt.js code to check params.

import 'mavon-editor/dist/css/index.css'
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            markdownText: '',
            imageFiles: []
    methods: {
        addImage(filename, file) {
            this.imageFiles[filename] = file
        deleteImage(filename) {
            console.log(filename) // check this param 
            delete this.imageFiles[filename]

and here is one of the results

(2) [1, File, __ob__: Observer]
    0: 1
    1: File {miniurl: "…lnjvFL/8AHKhuP2gvEEkmW0/SWOMcwyf/AByq5GDeuh//2Q==", _name: "u_sho.jpeg", name: "u_sho.jpeg", lastModified: 1549678985750, lastModifiedDate: Sat Feb 09 2019 11:23:05 GMT+0900 (日本標準時), …}
    length: 2
    __ob__: Observer {value: Array(2), dep: Dep, vmCount: 0}
    __proto__: Array
u-sho commented 5 years ago

Thanks to this npm package, my work is going successful.
I pray for further improvement of this repository 😸