hinesboy / mavonEditor

mavonEditor - A markdown editor based on Vue that supports a variety of personalized features
MIT License
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[Bug] 设置mavon-editor的html属性为false时控制台会报错 #825

Open skjgithub950423 opened 1 year ago

skjgithub950423 commented 1 year ago

🐛 Bug Report

版本为2.10.4 当设置组件的html属性为false的时候,控制台会报错,报错内容如下: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "xssOptions"

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The expected behaviour 设置html属性不报错

iiidev commented 10 months ago
