Open blakewest opened 9 years ago
With the given view...
.modal(tabindex="-1" role="dialog") .modal-dialog .modal-content %form.form-horizontal(role='form' name='form' novalidate) .modal-header.text-highlight %a.close(ng-click="$hide()" type="button") × %h4.modal-title Email This Charge Receipt .modal-body %h3 Patient Information %p Patient DOB: 5/19/87 .form-group %label.col-xs-2 Send to %div(ng-show=" ===") Joe Smitherson %select(ng-if=" !==" ng-model="emailParams.type") %option(value='') Select a recipient %option(value="patient_charge_receipt") {{}} (patient) %option(value="payer_charge_receipt") {{}} (payer) .col-xs-2 %a.btn.btn-primary(ng-click="sendEmail(emailParams)") Send Email .modal-footer.panel-footer %a.btn.btn-default(ng-click="$hide()") Cancel
If I do find('Joe Smitherson'), it finds multiple items. wtf?
find('Joe Smitherson')
With the given view...
If I do
find('Joe Smitherson')
, it finds multiple items. wtf?