hipchat / hubot-hipchat

HipChat adapter for GitHub's Hubot
MIT License
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Hubot shows as Unavailable even when connected and functioning #222

Closed mdouglass closed 9 years ago

mdouglass commented 9 years ago

I've noticed this week that my Hubot instance when connected and functioning (can send/receive messages) still shows as status Unavailable in other HipChat clients. I regenerated a new bot (using yo hubot) and the behavior persisted.

~/hubot$ export HUBOT_HIPCHAT_PASSWORD=obscured
~/hubot$ bin/hubot -a hipchat
connect deprecated multipart: use parser (multiparty, busboy, formidable) npm module instead node_modules/hubot/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/bodyParser.js:56:20
connect deprecated limit: Restrict request size at location of read node_modules/hubot/node_modules/express/node_modules/connect/lib/middleware/multipart.js:86:15
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:24 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Loading adapter hipchat
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:24 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG HipChat adapter options: {"jid":"119062_1628418@chat.hipchat.com","password":"obscured","token":null,"rooms":"119062_bot_testing@conf.hipchat.com","rooms_blacklist":"","host":null,"autojoin":true,"xmppDomain":null,"reconnect":true}
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:24 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO Connecting HipChat adapter...
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:25 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <auth xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" mechanism="PLAIN">obscured</auth>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:25 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <bind xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-bind"><resource>hubot-hipchat</resource></bind>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:25 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <session xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-session"/>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <presence type="available"><show>chat</show><c xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/caps" node="http://hipchat.com/client/bot" ver="hubot-hipchat:2.7.5"/></presence>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <iq type="get" id="1"><vCard xmlns="vcard-temp"/></iq>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO Connected to hipchat.com as @warwick
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Loading scripts from /Users/mdouglass/hubot/scripts
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Parsing help for /Users/mdouglass/hubot/scripts/example.coffee
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Loading scripts from /Users/mdouglass/hubot/src/scripts
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Loading hubot-scripts from /Users/mdouglass/hubot/node_modules/hubot-scripts/src/scripts
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <iq type="get" id="2"><query xmlns="jabber:iq:roster"/></iq>
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Loading external-scripts from npm packages
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Parsing help for /Users/mdouglass/hubot/node_modules/hubot-diagnostics/src/diagnostics.coffee
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Parsing help for /Users/mdouglass/hubot/node_modules/hubot-help/src/help.coffee
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO Using default redis on localhost:6379
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Parsing help for /Users/mdouglass/hubot/node_modules/hubot-redis-brain/src/redis-brain.coffee
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Parsing help for /Users/mdouglass/hubot/node_modules/hubot-rules/src/rules.coffee
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG Successfully connected to Redis
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO Data for hubot brain retrieved from Redis
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO Joining 119062_bot_testing@conf.hipchat.com
[Thu Jan 15 2015 10:49:26 GMT-0800 (PST)] DEBUG  OUT > <presence to="119062_bot_testing@conf.hipchat.com/Warwick ✠"><x xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc"/><history xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/muc" maxstanzas="0"/></presence>

At this point Hubot is online and responds to commands, but shows as Unavailable in the GUI client.

bclymer commented 9 years ago

This started happening to my hipchat hubot client as well. I noticed it happen about a week ago. I haven't updated hubot itself for a while (since Hipchat supported v2.7.5), so it seems like a Hipchat server side thing.

esigler commented 9 years ago

This is likely a duplicate of https://github.com/hipchat/hubot-hipchat/issues/220 (which was confirmed as a Mac client bug by Hipchat support).

mdouglass commented 9 years ago

Agreed, looks like a duplicate. And I received the same response from HipChat on it being a bug on their side.