Open VijiGithub opened 7 years ago
you have something else running on port 8080 so hubot can't start
$ sudo lsof -i :8080
Thanks Anthillmob,
How to make my hubot run on other port??? Also , ishipchat JID and password enough to connect to Hipchat becuase we havent stored the username or url of hipchat anywhere.
I am using a ubuntu machine hubot and my hipchat is installed in another server..I have started hubot adapter.I receive the following error devuser@177:~/myhubot$ bin/hubot --name CRIS --adapter hipchat [Thu Mar 09 2017 02:29:54 GMT-0800 (PST)] ERROR Error: listen EADDRINUSE at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:907:11) at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:930:20) at Server._listen2 (net.js:1250:14) at listen (net.js:1286:10) at net.js:1395:9 at nextTickCallbackWith3Args (node.js:522:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:428:17)
CRIS> [Thu Mar 09 2017 02:29:54 GMT-0800 (PST)] WARNING Loading scripts from hubot-scripts.json is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0 ( in favor of packages for each script.
Your hubot-scripts.json is empty, so you just need to remove it. [Thu Mar 09 2017 02:29:54 GMT-0800 (PST)] ERROR hubot-heroku-alive included, but missing HUBOT_HEROKU_KEEPALIVE_URL.
heroku config:set HUBOT_HEROKU_KEEPALIVE_URL=$(heroku apps:info -s | grep web-url | cut -d= -f2)
[Thu Mar 09 2017 02:29:55 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO hubot-redis-brain: Using default redis on localhost:6379 [Thu Mar 09 2017 02:29:55 GMT-0800 (PST)] INFO hubot-redis-brain: Initializing new data for hubot brainI am able to do the following : CRIS> CRIS PING CRIS> PONG
But in hipchat CRIS user is offline.