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Sigflow示例文件依旧运行报错 #663

Closed Miachol closed 1 year ago

Miachol commented 1 year ago

due: 2022-10-07

Contact: 刘琦 / lq5467z37@163.com Tool: /advance/sigflow | tmpcode: ktbSRMs Sigflow示例文件依旧运行报错,不知是否已有更新

ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago


nightly Last Update: 2022-09-02 19:49:27 R version: 4.1.3 Bioconductor version: 3.14.0 hiplotlib: 45114b862e5da0f14d2b25d64b53fa968d3d1f65 scripts-basic: 58119c3cef9b7cd0603fce7a98d762ed0ec9d6cb scripts-advanced: bdf312cf9d30fe16160f48ad235096022be7e1fe plugins-private: a97489334fb7dd927b7023760fbd1de6ba5fd506 plugins-open: c752567c31ec8bf41da6f7f44fe7cbcfe1b027b4

ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago

@Miachol 还是报错,我发现script-advanced的commit没有更新,剑峰有空pull一下然后关闭这个issue哈。

Miachol commented 1 year ago


ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago


ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago

奇怪的是当前basic和advanced的commit id是一样的


ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago

@Miachol Hiplotlib也update一下?

ShixiangWang commented 1 year ago

hiplot 调用报错命令:

/cluster/home/public/opt/spack-latest/opt/spack/linux-centos7-cascadelake/gcc-10.3.0/r-4.1.3-dlet73p5xxk35noy2o5ip32non2ygghr/rlib/R/bin/exec/R --no-echo --no-restore --file=/cluster/apps/hiplot/web/src/scripts/advance/r/sigflow/sigflow.R --args fit --input //8b329b80-9c39-11ea-822e-236bad3d2e30/public/demo/tcga_laml.maf.gz --output /hiplot/temp/hiplot-tasks/4ba305b0-54cc-11ed-b3a6-2957ab4b3002/HE87bi2/output --mode SBS --genome hg19 --lib /hiplot/scripts/renv/library/R-4.1/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu --verbose

本地cli调用还是正常work的。@Miachol 有空更新下sigminer的版本,如果还有问题的话,看是否我能接入调试下。

R --no-echo --no-restore --file=/Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/sigflow.R --args fit --input /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/tcga_laml.maf.gz --output /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/test --mode SBS --genome hg19 --lib /Users/wsx/Library/R --verbose
Using library: /Users/wsx/Library/R


       .__        _____.__
  _____|__| _____/ ____\  |   ______  _  __
 /  ___/  |/ ___\   __\|  |  /  _ \ \/ \/ /
 \___ \|  / /_/  >  |  |  |_(  <_> )     /
/____  >__\___  /|__|  |____/\____/ \/\_/
     \/  /_____/

Name   :       sigflow
Author :       Shixiang Wang
Version:       1.5
License:       AFL 3.0
Link   :       https://github.com/ShixiangWang/sigflow
Doc    :       https://github.com/ShixiangWang/sigflow
============================== START

Parsing parameters...
extract         : FALSE
fit             : TRUE
bt              : FALSE
show            : FALSE
help            : FALSE
version         : FALSE
input           : /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/tcga_laml.maf.gz
output          : /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/test
index           : ALL
mode            : SBS
manual          : FALSE
number          : 0
max             : -1
genome          : hg19
nrun            : 30
cores           : 1
refit           : FALSE
hyper           : FALSE
sigprofiler     : FALSE
isearch         : NULL
lib             : /Users/wsx/Library/R
verbose         : TRUE

User command calling: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Resources/bin/exec/R --no-echo --no-restore --file=/Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/sigflow.R --args fit --input /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/tcga_laml.maf.gz --output /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/test --mode SBS --genome hg19 --lib /Users/wsx/Library/R --verbose

Library:        /Users/wsx/Library/R    /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/library
R version 4.2.0 (2022-04-22)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur/Monterey 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] zh_CN.UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8/C/zh_CN.UTF-8/zh_CN.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] pheatmap_1.0.12     ggplot2_3.3.6       sigminer_2.1.8     
[4] Biobase_2.56.0      BiocGenerics_0.42.0 docopt_0.7.1       

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] Rcpp_1.0.9         plyr_1.8.7         pillar_1.8.1       compiler_4.2.0    
 [5] RColorBrewer_1.1-3 rngtools_1.5.2     tools_4.2.0        iterators_1.0.14  
 [9] digest_0.6.29      lifecycle_1.0.1    tibble_3.1.8       gtable_0.3.0      
[13] gridBase_0.4-7     NMF_0.24.0         pkgconfig_2.0.3    rlang_1.0.4       
[17] foreach_1.5.2      cli_3.3.0          DBI_1.1.3          registry_0.5-1    
[21] parallel_4.2.0     furrr_0.3.1        withr_2.5.0        dplyr_1.0.9       
[25] pkgmaker_0.32.2    stringr_1.4.1      cluster_2.1.3      globals_0.16.0    
[29] generics_0.1.3     vctrs_0.4.1        grid_4.2.0         tidyselect_1.1.2  
[33] data.table_1.14.2  glue_1.6.2         listenv_0.8.0      R6_2.5.1          
[37] parallelly_1.32.1  fansi_1.0.3        reshape2_1.4.4     purrr_0.3.4       
[41] magrittr_2.0.3     scales_1.2.1       codetools_0.2-18   assertthat_0.2.1  
[45] future_1.27.0      xtable_1.8-4       colorspace_2.0-3   utf8_1.2.2        
[49] stringi_1.7.6      doParallel_1.0.17  munsell_0.5.0     
Reading file...
Result directory /Users/wsx/Documents/GitHub/scripts-advance/r/sigflow/test existed.
Try reading as a MAF file.
-Silent variants: 475 
-Processing clinical data
--Missing clinical data
-Finished in 0.375s elapsed (0.302s cpu) 

Running signature fitting pipeline...
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:31:58]: Pipeline for (bootstrap) fitting started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:06]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: We would assume you marked all variants' position in + strand.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Reference genome loaded.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Variants from MAF object queried.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Chromosome names checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Sex chromosomes properly handled.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Only variants located in standard chromosomes (1:22, X, Y, M/MT) are kept.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Variant start and end position checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Variant data for matrix generation preprocessed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: All types of matrices generation - start.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: SBS matrix generation - start.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:07]: Extracting 5' and 3' adjacent bases.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:09]: Extracting +/- 20bp around mutated bases for background C>T estimation.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:10]: Estimating APOBEC enrichment scores.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:10]: Performing one-way Fisher's test for APOBEC enrichment.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: APOBEC related mutations are enriched in 3.297% of samples (APOBEC enrichment score > 2; 6 of 182 samples)
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: Creating SBS sample-by-component matrices.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: SBS-6 matrix created.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: SBS-96 matrix created.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: SBS-1536 matrix created.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: Return SBS-96 as major matrix.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: DBS matrix generation - start.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:11]: Searching DBS records...
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:14]: Done.
✖ [2022-10-26 09:32:14]: Zero DBSs to analyze!
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:14]: INDEL matrix generation - start.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: Reference sequences queried from genome.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: INDEL length extracted.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: Adjacent copies counted.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: Microhomology size calculated.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: INDEL records classified into different components (types).
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: ID-28 matrix created.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: ID-83 matrix created.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: Return ID-83 as major matrix.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:15]: All types of matrices generation (APOBEC scores included) - end.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:32:16]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:32:16]: 9.633 secs elapsed.
Outputing tally results for SBS
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2802
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2803
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2804
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2805
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2806
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2807
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2808
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2809
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2810
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2812
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2813
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2814
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2816
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2817
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2818
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2819
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2820
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2821
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2822
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2824
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2825
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2826
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2827
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2828
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2829
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2830
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2831
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2832
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2833
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2834
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2835
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2836
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2838
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2839
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2841
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2842
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2843
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2844
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2845
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2846
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2847
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2849
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2850
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2851
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2853
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2854
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2855
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2857
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2858
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2859
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2860
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2861
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2862
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2863
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2864
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2865
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2866
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2867
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2868
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2869
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2870
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2871
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2872
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2873
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2874
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2875
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2876
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2877
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2878
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2879
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2880
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2881
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2882
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2883
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2884
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2885
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2886
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2887
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2888
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2889
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2890
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2891
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2892
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2894
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2895
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2896
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2897
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2898
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2899
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2900
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2901
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2903
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2904
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2905
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2906
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2907
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2908
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2910
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2911
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2912
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2913
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2914
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2915
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2916
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2917
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2918
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2919
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2920
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2921
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2922
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2923
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2924
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2925
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2926
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2927
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2928
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2929
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2930
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2931
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2932
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2933
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2934
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2935
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2936
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2937
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2938
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2939
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2940
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2941
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2943
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2945
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2946
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2947
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2948
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2949
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2950
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2952
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2954
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2955
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2956
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2957
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2959
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2963
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2964
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2965
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2966
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2967
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2968
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2970
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2971
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2972
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2973
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2974
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2975
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2976
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2977
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2978
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2979
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2980
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2981
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2982
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2983
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2984
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2985
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2986
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2987
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2988
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2989
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2990
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2991
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2992
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2993
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2994
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2995
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2996
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2997
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2998
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-2999
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3000
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3001
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3002
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3005
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3006
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3007
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3008
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3009
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3011
Plotting mutation catalog of sample: TCGA-AB-3012
[1] "hello0"
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Started.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Signature index detected.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checking signature database in package.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checking signature index.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Valid index for db 'legacy':
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Database and index checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Signature normalized.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checking row number for catalog matrix and signature matrix.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checking rownames for catalog matrix and signature matrix.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Matrix V and W don't have same orders. Try reordering...
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Method 'QP' detected.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Corresponding function generated.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Calling function.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2802
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2803
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2804
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2805
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2806
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2807
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2808
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2809
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2810
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2812
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2813
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2814
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2816
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2817
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2818
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2819
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2820
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2821
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2822
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2823
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2824
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2825
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2826
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2827
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2828
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2829
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2830
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2831
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2832
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2833
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2834
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2835
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2836
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2838
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2839
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2840
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2841
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2842
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2843
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2844
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2845
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2846
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2847
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2848
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2849
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2850
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2851
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2853
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2854
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2855
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2857
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2858
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2859
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2860
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2861
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2862
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2863
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:57]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2864
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2865
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2866
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2867
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2868
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2869
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2870
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2871
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2872
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2873
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2874
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2875
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2876
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2877
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2878
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2879
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2880
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2881
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2882
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2883
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2884
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2885
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2886
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2887
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2888
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2889
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2890
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2891
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2892
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2894
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2895
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2896
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2897
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2898
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2899
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2900
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2901
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2903
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2904
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2905
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2906
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2907
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2908
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2909
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2910
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2911
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2912
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2913
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2914
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2915
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2916
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2917
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2918
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2919
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2920
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2921
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2922
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2923
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2924
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2925
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2926
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2927
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2928
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2929
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2930
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2931
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2932
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2933
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2934
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2935
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2936
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2937
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2938
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2939
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2940
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2941
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2942
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2943
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2945
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2946
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2947
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2948
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2949
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2950
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2952
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2954
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2955
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2956
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2957
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2959
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2963
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2964
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2965
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2966
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2967
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2968
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2970
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2971
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2972
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2973
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2974
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2975
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2976
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2977
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2978
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2979
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2980
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2981
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2982
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2983
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2984
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2985
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2986
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2987
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2988
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2989
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2990
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2991
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2992
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2993
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2994
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2995
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2996
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2997
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2998
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2999
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3000
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3001
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3002
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3005
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3006
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3007
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3008
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3009
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3011
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3012
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Generating output signature exposures.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:58]: Calculating errors (Frobenius Norm).
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: 1.624 secs elapsed.
Outputing signature fitting results for legacy
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: 0.087 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: 0.075 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: 0.051 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:33:59]: 0.042 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Started.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Signature index detected.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checking signature database in package.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checking signature index.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Valid index for db 'SBS':
1 2 3 4 5 6 7a 7b 7c 7d 8 9 10a 10b 11 12 13 14 15 16 17a 17b 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Database and index checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Signature normalized.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checking row number for catalog matrix and signature matrix.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checking rownames for catalog matrix and signature matrix.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Matrix V and W don't have same orders. Try reordering...
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Checked.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Method 'QP' detected.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Corresponding function generated.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Calling function.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2802
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2803
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2804
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2805
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2806
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2807
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2808
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2809
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2810
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2812
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2813
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2814
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2816
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2817
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2818
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2819
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2820
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2821
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2822
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2823
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2824
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2825
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2826
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2827
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2828
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2829
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2830
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2831
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2832
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2833
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2834
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2835
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2836
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2838
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2839
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2840
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2841
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2842
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2843
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2844
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2845
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2846
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2847
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2848
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2849
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2850
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2851
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2853
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2854
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2855
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2857
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2858
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2859
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2860
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2861
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2862
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2863
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2864
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2865
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2866
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2867
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2868
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2869
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2870
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2871
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:02]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2872
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2873
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2874
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2875
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2876
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2877
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2878
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2879
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2880
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2881
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2882
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2883
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2884
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2885
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2886
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2887
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2888
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2889
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2890
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2891
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2892
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2894
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2895
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2896
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2897
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2898
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2899
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2900
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2901
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2903
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2904
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2905
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2906
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2907
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2908
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2909
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2910
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2911
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2912
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2913
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2914
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2915
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2916
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2917
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2918
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2919
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2920
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2921
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2922
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2923
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2924
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2925
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2926
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2927
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2928
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2929
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2930
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2931
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2932
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2933
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2934
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2935
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2936
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2937
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2938
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2939
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2940
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2941
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2942
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2943
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2945
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2946
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2947
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2948
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2949
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2950
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2952
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2954
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2955
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2956
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2957
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2959
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2963
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2964
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2965
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2966
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2967
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2968
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2970
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2971
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2972
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2973
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2974
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2975
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2976
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2977
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2978
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2979
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2980
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2981
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2982
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2983
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2984
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2985
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2986
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2987
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2988
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2989
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2990
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2991
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2992
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2993
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2994
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2995
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2996
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2997
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2998
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-2999
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3000
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3001
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3002
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:03]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3005
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3006
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3007
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3008
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3009
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3011
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Fitting sample: TCGA-AB-3012
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Generating output signature exposures.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Calculating errors (Frobenius Norm).
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Done.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: 1.771 secs elapsed.
Outputing signature fitting results for SBS
Removed 'Possible sequencing artefact' signatures in plots.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: 0.047 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: 0.056 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: 0.082 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Started.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking input format.
✔ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checking filters.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Checked.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: Plotting.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:04]: 0.078 secs elapsed.
ℹ [2022-10-26 09:34:09]: 2.187 mins elapsed.
Warning messages:
1: Removed 150 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot). 
2: Removed 150 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
3: Removed 150 rows containing non-finite values (stat_ydensity). 
4: Removed 150 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
5: Removed 270 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot). 
6: Removed 270 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 
7: Removed 270 rows containing non-finite values (stat_ydensity). 
8: Removed 270 rows containing missing values (geom_point). 

If there are output files for your command. Please check the output directory.
Thanks for using Sigflow!
============================== END