hippich / Bitcoin-Poker-Room

Sources for Bitcoin Poker Room.
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after a week of trying #141

Open Gorbayov opened 8 years ago

Gorbayov commented 8 years ago

hi after a week of trying i've managed to install the bitcoin poker room when i start the room like this: $ ./script/room_server.pl -r -f

i get this: 2015/12/29-22:06:08 Starman::Server (type Net::Server::PreFork) starting! pid(18422) Resolved []:3000 to []:3000, IPv4 Binding to TCP port 3000 on host with IPv4 Setting gid to "1000 1000 4 20 24 46 116 118 124 1000" Starman: Accepting connections at http://:3000/

i enter the site http://room/ or http://localhost:3000 and it gives me a page that tells me to come back later in 11 different languages

how do i config the network ? and where is the client ?

Please help me if you can

Gorbayov commented 8 years ago

i get this in the log file:

Dec 31 16:28:47 [ERROR] Caught exception in Room::Controller::Root->index "Can't locate object method "model_name" via package "Room::Model::PokerNetwork" at /usr/local/share/perl/5.12.4/Catalyst/Model/DBIC/Schema.pm line 575."