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Unable to go all-in #70

Closed hippich closed 13 years ago

hippich commented 13 years ago

Micon is saying that he had 29 chips left on river, opponent bet 22 to him and he could only call or fold, not raise his last 7 more chips.

I can confirm that this bug is indeed happening since the last update. You can recreate it yourself easily, just go to a table with two test accounts, and get in a similar situation on the river, where you bet more than half your opponent's stack. Try differing amounts, I'm not sure if it works with all different amounts, but I have had this happen to me several times now since the last server restart.

Also, another bug since the last server restart is sometimes you can't even raise allin when its a big raise size. Example: opponent has 1000 chips on river, I have 1000. He bets 25, I try to raise to 1000 but when I click raise the raise button doesn't process. I try over and over again to raise to 1000 but it doesn't work, I move the bar slightly down to 998 and it works. Or any other amount or clicking call works, just raising allin doesn't. I think it may have something to do with the superfluous fractions of chip that are kept in player chipstacks, like when you have 1000.25 and you bet allin it only bets 1000, and then the other player can raise you and then you have the option to call with your last 0.25 chips allin, or fold. I'm not sure if these bugs happen every time but I can confirm they have happened multiple times.