hippich / Bitcoin-Poker-Room

Sources for Bitcoin Poker Room.
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Service Temporarily Unavailable #94

Closed smickles closed 13 years ago

smickles commented 13 years ago

Hi all, I'm trying to get this running on my home server. The problem is likely some aspect of my own ignorance. If this is the wrong location for such a help request, please redirect me to the proper location.

I followed the README instructions and it seemed to all go fine, no problems, until the last line.

Navigate to http://room/ or whatever domain you created for this project.

I've tried the domain which I've created for this project, http://room/, localhost, and several others which I thought may be related. In all cases I come up with "Service Temporarily Unavailable"

Any help will be appreciated.

hippich commented 13 years ago

what is shown when you run "./script/room_server.pl -r -f "?

smickles commented 13 years ago

Thank you for the prompt response. Upon examination of the output I realized I did not have several modules installed.

After the installation of these modules I was able run the script as well as navigate to the http://room/ equivalent and able to create a user and login, however attempting to enter a table would bring up the window for the table with a connection error.

 {"xhr":"{\"status\":404,\"responseText\":\"Page not found\",\"readyState\":4}","status":"error","url":"/POKER_REST","error":"Not Found"}attempt to stringify failed with exception: ReferenceError: printStackTrace is not defined
smickles commented 13 years ago

oops, didn't mean to close, but can't seem to reopen...

hippich commented 13 years ago

Please post content of /etc/apache2/sites-available/room.conf

smickles commented 13 years ago
 <VirtualHost *:80>
   ServerName room

   <Proxy *>
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all
   ProxyPass /POKER_REST http://localhost:19384/POKER_REST retry=1
   ProxyPass / http://localhost:3000/ retry=1
hippich commented 13 years ago

you mentioned "http://room/", what exact url you enter into browser url bar?

smickles commented 13 years ago

I am using pickles:3000 (pickles is the name of the local machine)

hippich commented 13 years ago

make sure to update ServerName with "pickles" and open http://pickles/ (no 3000 port)

smickles commented 13 years ago

All seems well, Thanks for your help.