hippke / tls

Transit Least Squares: An optimized transit-fitting algorithm to search for periodic transits of small planets
MIT License
48 stars 24 forks source link

Follow-up paper ideas #50

Open hippke opened 5 years ago

hippke commented 5 years ago



reneheller commented 5 years ago

– René to request 3 years of DFG funding for a PhD student to investigate detrending methods (see my e-mail for proposal sketch) – as for "TTV-smeared transit": I suspect a running median filter will transform it into a (more or less) un-smeared transit – maybe instead of / in addition to PLATOSim we could use the ready-to-use & publicly available PLATO Solar-like Light-curve Simulator (PSLS, https://sites.lesia.obspm.fr/psls) to generate realistic PLATO light curves with transits