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Markdown简单语法 #3

Open hippo00 opened 5 years ago

hippo00 commented 5 years ago

Markdown for WDP documentation cheatsheet

Here's how to format Markdown in your WDP topics.

Headings: Use #s followed by a blank space for notebook titles and section headings:

# title
## major headings
### subheadings
#### 4th level subheadings

Emphasis: Use this code: Bold: __string__ or **string** Italic: _string_ or *string*

Attributes: Commonly used attributes:

beta blue
codeblock python r scala

In a ditamap, include this code in the topicref: audience="attribute1 attribute2 attribute3". See any ditamap for an example.

Within a topic, you have to tag each element separately. Use this syntax on a line by itself right after the text you want to tag: {: .attribute1 attribute2} For bullets, put after the list to tag them all, or put in front of a single bullet to tag only that line.

Monospace font: Surround text with a back quotes (to the left of the 1 key). Don't use for code blocks. Use monospace for file path and file names and for text users enter or message text users see.

Code blocks: Type 3 back quotes on a line. On the next line, start the code. After the code, put 3 back quotes on a line. To do it right, also include codeblock and language attributes: see MarkdownResource.md.

Line breaks: Sometimes markdown doesn’t make line breaks when you want them. Use this code for a manual line break: <br>

Indenting: Use a greater than sign (>) and then a space, then type the text. Everything is indented until the next carriage return.

Bullets: Use the dash sign (-) with two spaces after it or a space, a dash, and a space (-), to create a circular bullet. To create a sub bullet, use a tab followed a dash and two spaces. You can also use an asterisk instead of a dash, and it works the same.

Numbered lists: Start with 1. followed by a space. Start each line with some number and a period, then a space. Indent 3 spaces to get subnumbering. You can include bullets and other elements in a step, but don't include blank lines in between or the numbering will discontinue.

Graphics: Use this syntax:

![Alt text](../images/stormtroopocat.jpg "The Stormtroopocat")

Tables: Use this syntax:

| Heading | Heading |
| ----| ----|
| text   | text |
| text | text |
{: caption="Table 1. Table title" caption-side="top"}

Internal links: To link to another file in our doc set

[Link Text](../relative/linkto/filename.html)

Sub-section links:

[Section Title](#section-title)

For the text in the parentheses, replace spaces and special characters with a hyphen. Make sure to test all the links!

Alternatively, you can add an ID for a section right below the section title. Use this code: {: #section_ID} Make sure that the section_ID is unique within the notebook.

Link to sub-section in another internal file:

[Link text you want](relative/linkto/filename.html#subheading-anchor)

External links: Use this code and test all links!

[Link text](https://url/to/topic.html){: new_window}


<a href="external-url" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">link text</a>

Videos: Use this syntax:

<figure class="fignone" id="video01"><figcaption>Figure 1. <span class="ph"><a href="VIDEO_URLrel=0" rel="external" target="_blank" title="If you cannot access the video that is embedded in this page, you can access the video from the YouTube website. (Opens in a new tab or window)">    <img src="images/video.png" alt="Video icon"></a>VIDEO_CAPTION</span></figcaption>

<object height="315" data="VIDOE_URLrel=0" width="560">
<param name="movie" value="VIDEO_URLrel=0">
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true">
<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always">
<param name="scale" value="noScale">

For accessibility, videos need closed captioning.

Conrefs: Use the conrefs in the dsxconrefs.yml file. Use this syntax, replacing conref with the conref name:


Comments: Use this syntax:

<!-- text to hide in all builds -->

更多官方教程:markdown syntax

<video src="http://puyqy2n9u.bkt.clouddn.com/_-mpA8MeS34bk.mp4" width=600px height=338px  controls="controls"></video></center>
hippo00 commented 5 years ago
