Each time I open the app I see scurry faded with the car avatar. App updates and the car goes away showing his current status. If I kill the app and reload again I see the same thing car emoji and then it goes away. Shouldn’t the app cache the last known status and update from there? So I would assume the next time I opened the app I should see scurry with no car emoji
Expected Result:
User should see the latest cached data on the header after kill/reload.
Steps to reproduce:
Open the app and quickly find avatar with a trans emoji
When app refreshes/connects the avatar should update and show the trans emoji go away.
Kill/reload and the user will see the previous trans emoji again.
Presence header not showing last cached emoji
Observed Result:
Each time I open the app I see scurry faded with the car avatar. App updates and the car goes away showing his current status. If I kill the app and reload again I see the same thing car emoji and then it goes away. Shouldn’t the app cache the last known status and update from there? So I would assume the next time I opened the app I should see scurry with no car emoji
Expected Result:
User should see the latest cached data on the header after kill/reload.
Steps to reproduce:
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