hipsterjazzbo / Landlord

A simple, single database multi-tenancy solution for Laravel 5.2+
MIT License
615 stars 138 forks source link

Still active? #101

Open dominikgeimer opened 5 years ago

dominikgeimer commented 5 years ago

Is this Package still active or is there any alternativ packages?

stefanbauer commented 5 years ago

@HipsterJazzbo When you take a look at the issues and/or PRs it seems that this package is not maintained anymore (but still working). Did you think about a new maintainer? Cause I guess, there are still a lot of people who rely on that great package and would love to see continuing this stuff.

patroniton commented 5 years ago

While the package is very much a "set it and forget it" type of package, the minimum maintenance to get it compatible with newer versions of Laravel is definitely lacking and I agree with @stefanbauer. @HipsterJazzbo if you simply don't have time to manage this package anymore, it would be really beneficial to all of us who depend on the package to have a new maintainer.

divdax commented 5 years ago

@HipsterJazzbo it would be nice if you can choose an additional maintainer for this package! 🙏

roynasser commented 5 years ago

For a new project, would you recommend going with this for the latest versions, or is there another package that works in a similar way?

nunomazer commented 5 years ago

Hi, I'm working with a fork mantained by me and my team: https://github.com/torzer/awesome-landlord

For now we just have adjusted it to work with Laravel 5.7, but we are accepting new issues and PRs if so.

divdax commented 5 years ago

@nunomazer Laravel 5.8 is out. Issues are deactivated on your fork?

nunomazer commented 5 years ago

Hi @divdax .. thanks for letting me know .. issues activated now ...

Support for 5.8 will be added this weekend

nunomazer commented 5 years ago

@divdax support to 5.8 added, see it at https://github.com/torzer/awesome-landlord

stefanbauer commented 5 years ago

@hipsterjazzbo this kind of maintaining an open source package really sucks. I don't get why you don't maintain the project or just hand it over? You don't have to maintain it if you don't like, but why you didn't transfer it then? Here are more than enough people (including me), that would continue with that package. You just ignore every single comment here, even you're active on Github. You should reconsider your ways.

PS: It doesn't make sense to me, that every single user here is now creating 100 forks at the end of the day. So my appeal. Please, transfer this package to someone else here.

Just my two cents.