hiro-sun / vscode-emacs

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Avoid kill ring overruns #55

Closed ericnewcomer closed 6 years ago

ericnewcomer commented 6 years ago

I often kill with great speed, holding down k with a super fast repeat-rate. This really goobers kill-yank in this repo since it does many things async which really ought not be. This PR basically joins the methods that do that as part of the kill to ensure quick killing doesn't send things off the rails.

FreddieOliveira commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately hiro-sun seems to have abandoned this project. Not sure if your pull request will ever be accepted

ericnewcomer commented 6 years ago

This plugin still has the most downloads in vs code for emacs bindings. Sadly I think you are correct, but I figured I might as well open it and perhaps use it as a way to gauge interest in publishing my fork or submitting the same to another.

FreddieOliveira commented 6 years ago

Yes, I hope this project get resurrected some day, but until then this is the most active fork https://github.com/SebastianZaha/vscode-emacs-friendly I used to use it, but after some deceptions I gave up emacs plugins for vscode and started using vim keybind plugin