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Access Content Creation #12

Open redeagletwo opened 2 years ago

redeagletwo commented 2 years ago

We plan to have an access page that explains how outsite people can visit our lab. The information from the Japanese page should be copied from the old version in pages/access/index.html. The English version needs to be created to include all the information.

This involves changing the files content/access/_index.en.md and content/access/_index.jp.md.

biyori-sh commented 2 years ago

Thank you, Nicho san. I copied the Japanese page from the old version. You can confirm the change in the branch: sub-sh0.5. In this sub-branch, old files that do not use Hugo are different from ones in updates_0522.

CSS is not applied enough, so the page is a little difficult to read.

I modified config.toml to display the Google Map because raw html codes in md files are ignored by default (maybe for security reasons). Does anyone know a smarter way to do this?

ニコさん、ありがとう。 日本語のページでは、Hugoを使っていなかった古いバージョンからコピペしました。サブブランチsub-sh0.5から確認できます(もしもマージするなら、古いバージョンのファイルにupdates_0522と違うものが含まれるため、少し注意してください。)。CSSの設定が十分に反映されていないので、まだ見た目が寂しいです。


redeagletwo commented 2 years ago

下地さん、ありがとう。 I think we should start only working on 1 branch to track each others changes easier. So recently I have been working on sub-sh0.5 and any changes were integrated into the master branch.

I played with the CSS and I think it has been improved. Please let me know what you think.

If needed I think we can embed the Google Map page directly into an HTML file. Otherwise I could not any other ways.




biyori-sh commented 2 years ago


Thank you, Nicho san. CSS is improved!

By using shortcodes/google-maps.html, I could avoid unsafe = true of [markup.goldmark.renderer] in config.toml. You can check them in access/_access.ja.html, access/_access.en.html and themes/sohakenTheme/layouts/shortcodes/google-maps.html. We can use layouts/shortcodes/ when we want to use HTML codes in specific articles. Sorry, I edited them in sub-sh0.6.

The access pages are applied layouts/_default/list.html by default because they are index files as the items of Menu.main. So I tried to change access/_index.xx.html -> access/_access.xx.html and modify "/access/" -> "/access/_access" in config.toml. In this trial, the access pages are applied single.html, and then LISTINGS are not displayed. I also tried to apply this way to the members pages.

With Markdown Render Hooks, I modified the CSS of links.

Now the English version has a problem with Google Maps over the footer area.

CSSはとても良くなりました。 shortcodes/google-maps.htmlを使うことで、config.tomlに含まれる[markup.goldmark.renderer]unsafe = trueが不要になりました。この変更はaccess/_access.ja.htmlaccess/_access.en.htmlthemes/sohakenTheme/layouts/shortcodes/google-maps.htmlとで確認できます。layouts/shortcodes/を使うことで、他の個別の記事にも短いHTMLコードが挿入できると思います。 sub-sh0.6で編集しました。

研究室へのアクセスページは、Menu.mainのインデックスファイルなのでデフォルトでlayouts/_default/list.htmlが適用されます。そのためaccess/_index.xx.html -> access/_access.xx.htmlの変更と、config.tomlでの"/access/" -> "/access/_access"の変更を試してみました。single.htmlが適用されるようになり、LISTINGS が表示されなくなりました。メンバーページにも試してみました。

Markdown Render Hooksを参考にリンクのCSSも変更しました。


redeagletwo commented 2 years ago

After the review by the sohaken group we received the following comment,

  1. 文字情報だけだとキツイ。フリーのアイコンとか使って見やすくしたい。
  2. 「広島大学中央口から素研セミナー室へ」-> 素ハ研