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Create 2022 News Content #7

Open redeagletwo opened 2 years ago

redeagletwo commented 2 years ago

In content we would like to start tracking lab news for 2022. This should include information about all announcements and important things for the lab.

For example,

Each news item can be a new page under news created by the Hugo command,

hugo new content\news\<title.en.md> for English pages

hugo new content\news\<title.jp.md> for Japanese pages

Change the title to be the title of the announcement.

ahariwangsa commented 2 years ago

Dear all, I try to make a list of events in 2022. If you find any mistakes, please let me know. You are also free to add some events. I have difficulty finding our Lab member's recent academic activities (publishing a paper and giving a talk at a conference).

List of Events:

  1. first meeting (初顔合わせの日程) of Lab members at the beginning of the 2022 Academic Year. This event was held on April 4th, 2022 at B301.

  2. Welcome Party. It was held on April 11th online (Teams Meeting) due to rain.

  3. First Journal Club, the presenter was Cendekia Abdi-san on April 20th. Reference Title: Chemical equilibration in weakly coupled QCD By: Aleksi Kurkela DOI: https://journals.aps.org/prd/pdf/10.1103/PhysRevD.99.054018

  4. 2nd Journal Club, the presenter was Nicholas J. Benoit-san on April 27th. Impact of Wave Packet Separation in Low-Energy Sterile Neutrino Searches By: Carlos A. Argüelles, Toni Bertólez-Martínez, Jordi Salvado DOI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2201.05108

  5. POST QM on April 30th. Kabayama-san joined the meeting in person in Osaka.

  6. 1st Seminar by Azumi Sakai-san with title: Fluctuations in high energy heavy-ion collisions. The seminar was conducted online on May 11th.

  7. POST QM discussion on May 18th with Kabayama-san.

  8. Excursion: We watched a Baseball game together on May 24th.

  9. 3rd Journal Club, the presenter was Ryuta Fukunaga-san on May 25th Reference Title: 分子シミュレーション入門6 分子動力学法その1 By: 三上 益弘. DOI: https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/mssj/21/3/21_213/_article/-char/ja/

  10. Interim Presentation (中間発表). It was conducted on June 1st with presenters: Albertus Hariwangsa Panuluh and Cendekia Abdi-san and on June 8th with presenters: Kota Takeuchi-san and Ji Yongbo-san. These events were held hybrid.

  11. 4th Journal Club, the presenter was Tomohiro Inagaki-san on June 17th. Reference Title: Torsion/nonmetricity duality in f (R) gravity By: Damianos Iosifidis, Anastasios C. Petkou, Christos G. Tsagas. DOI: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10714-019-2539-9

  12. 5th Journal Club, the presenter was Ken-ichi Ishikawa-san on June 24th. Reference Title : "Infinite Variance in Monte Carlo Sampling of Lattice Field Theories"
    By : Cagin Yunus, William Detmold DOI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2205.01001

  13. 6th Journal Club, the presenter was Yukimura Izawa-san on July 1st Reference Title : 結び目理論の基礎 By : Edward Witten DOI: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/BF01217730. From this time, the JC will be held hybrid.

  14. 7th Journal Club, the presenter was Takuya Morozumi-san on July 8th Reference Title : Currents and charges for mixed fields By : Massino Brasone, Petr Jizba, Giuseppe Vitiello DOI: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370269301009856?via%3Dihub

  15. 2nd Seminar by Yuusuke Namekawa-san on July 15th. The title is ???

  16. 8th Journal Club, the presenter was Ji Yingbo-san on July 22nd Reference Title : Equivariant flow-based sampling for lattice gauge theory By : Gurtej Kanwar, Michael S. Albergo, Denis Boyda, Kyle Cranmer, Daniel C. Hackett, Sébastien Racanière, Danilo Jimenez Rezende, Phiala E. Shanahan. DOI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06413

  17. Public Hearing: on July 22nd at C212. Nicholas J. Benoit-san successfully presented his research. Congratulations!!

  18. 9th Journal club, the presenter was Kouki Nakamura-san on July 29 Reference Title : Probing the initial longitudinal density profile and electromagnetic field in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions with heavy quarks Authers : Ze-Fang Jiang, Shanshan Cao, Wen-Jing Xing, Xiang-Yu Wu, C. B. Yang, and Ben-Wei Zhang. DOI: https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.105.054907

  19. Public Hearing: on July 29nd at C212. Hiromu Shimoji-san successfully presented his research. Congratulations!!

  20. 10th Journal club, the presenter was Chiho Nonaka-san on August 5th. Reference Title : Bayesian Inference of the Specific Shear and Bulk Viscosities of the Quark-Gluon Plasma at Crossover from $\phi$ and $\Omega$ Observables By : Zhidong Yang, Lie-Wen Chen DOI: https://arxiv.org/abs/2207.13534

  21. 3rd Sohaken Seminar, by: Kimiko Yamashita-san from Chung-Ang University Title: Reheating and Dark Matter Freeze-In in the Higgs -R2 Inflation Model. This seminar was conducted hybrid.

ahariwangsa commented 1 year ago

I add other events that have been occured:

  1. SSI (9/26 - 9/28). The first keynote speaker is 柳生 慶(大阪大学) with the title ヒッグス物理 -発見から10年、現状と今後- The second keynote speaker is 飯田 圭 (高知大学) with the title 高密度物質:核物質から中性子星まで.

  2. 11th Journal club, by Albertus on October 5th. Reference title: A model of vector-like leptons for the muon g-2 and the W boson mass By : Hyun Min Lee and Kimiko Yamashita DOI : https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.05024

  3. Takizawa-san special lecture (10/18-10/20).

  4. the 4th Sohaken seminar

Speaker: Wong, Yvonne (The University of New South Wales) Date: Wednesday 10/26 from 13:30 JST Title: Neutrinos in Cosmology: Calculations of the neutrino-to-photon ratio and the spatial neutrino density distribution Abstract:

Standard hot Big Bang cosmology predicts the existence of a cosmic neutrino background (CnuB), analogous to its better known cousin, the cosmic microwave background (CMB). With a predicted number density of about 100 neutrinos+antineutrinos per cubic centre per family today, the shear abundance of these CnuB neutrinos ensures that they have a nontrivial impact on the many stages of the evolution of the universe. An immediate corollary is that cosmological observations such as the CMB anisotropies and the large-scale matter distribution are sensitive to the CnuB, and can in turn be used to constrain its properties.

In this talk, I will report on a recent precision theoretical calculation of the neutrino-to-photon energy density ratio---commonly referred to as the "effective number of thermalised neutrino species" Neff---within the Standard Model of particle physics, as well as discuss some recent works in the computation of massive neutrino effects on the spatial distribution of matter and the clustering of the CnuB itself.

  1. The 5th seminar by Umeeda-san Speaker: 梅枝 宏之 (Academia Sinica) Date: Friday 10/28 from 13:30 JST Title: Right-handed current, B->Xu l nu decays and non-trivial topology in QCD vacuum Abstract: We study violation of quark-hadron duality for B->X_ulnu decays in the presence of the right-handed current (RHC). In this case, it is shown that the fermionic zero mode of an intermediate light quark, which is induced by an instanton, gives a non-vanishing contribution owing to its chirality structure. Within a certain approximation relying on the single instanton, the finite distance singularity, causing violation of quark-hadron duality, is extracted analytically. As a result, it is shown that duality violation for the lepton energy distribution in B->X_ulnu decays is possibly comparable to the chirally-suppressed perturbative contribution in the RHC, for a particular region in the phase space.

  2. 12th Journal club on November 2nd Speaker : Yusuke Shimizu Reference Title : The Exclusive Vision of Rare K and B Decays and of the Quark Mixing in the Standard Model By : Andrzej J. Buras and Elena Venturini DOI : https://link.springer.com/article/10.1140/epjc/s10052-022-10583-8

  3. 13th Journal Club on November 9th Speaker: Azumi Sakai Reference Title: Dilepton Spectroscopy of QCD Matter at Collider Energies By: Ralf Rapp DOI: 10.1155/2013/148253

  4. D1 and D2 中間発表 on November 11th by Hironori Takei and Masahiko Taniguchi

  5. The 6th seminar on November 11th Speaker: Takayuki Miyagi (TU Darmstadt, Germany) Date: Friday 11/11 from 15:00 JST Title: Nuclear equation of state and 208Pb

The neutron skin thickness could be crucial to constrain the nuclear equation of state (EoS). According to the phenomenological mean-field type studies, the neutron skin of 208Pb is known to be strongly correlated with the neutron star pressure, motivating neutron skin thickness measurements. From this background, it is important to test the correlation through the nuclear first principle calculation. In this talk, I will show the results for 208Pb and nuclear EoS parameters from the first principle calculation.

  1. M1 中間発表 on November 25th by Taihei Kuroiwa, Reishi Maeta, Shoko Ono, Ryu Takagi, Shonosuke Takeshita, and Naoki Yoshioka.
ahariwangsa commented 1 year ago


  1. Hiroyuki Umeeda: 10月24日~10月28日
  2. Takayuki Miyagi 11月11日
  3. Yasuki Tachibana 11月16日~11月18日