hirokisan / bybit

Bybit client library for Go
MIT License
90 stars 57 forks source link

Update types #175

Closed apeman76 closed 3 days ago

apeman76 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello, Bybit has made some changes to its api and the type of risk limit requests and results have changed. They now include a Cursor field, which is used to grab the next page of risk limits. It seems like the library does not support these yet, and I cant use a normal map interface for the request Could this be updated?

https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/changelog/v5#2024-05-09 https://bybit-exchange.github.io/docs/v5/market/risk-limit

Thank you

hirokisan commented 1 week ago

Thank you for raising the Issue!

It's going to take a while because I can't find time to work on it.

hirokisan commented 1 week ago

@apeman76 Just completed it. Check it out here.
