Open hiroshinagaya opened 4 years ago
\bibitem{NewYork09} TheNewYorkTimes. http:\slash\slash\slash2009\slash07\slash07\slashspammers-shorten-their-urls\slash.
Spam tweets have increased in Twitter as the popularity of Twitter grows as reported in [35]. As spam web page farms undermine the accuracy of PageRank and spam keywords inserted in web pages hinder relevant web page extraction, spam tweets add noise and bias in our analysis. \cite{Kwak10}
It was common in the past to provide the general public with one-directional information through classical mass media outlets such as newspapers, televisions, and radios
Recently social media platforms, such as Twitter and Facebook, have been playing increasingly important roles as media through which to disseminate and receive scientific information
In fact, it is estimated that approximately 60% of the general public rely on social media as a source for scientific information
Social media platforms enable real-time communication with rapid propagation over a wide demography
In regard to scientific communication however, there are several drawbacks to using social media. In particular, there is concern about the spread of scientifically inappropriate or inaccurate information through erroneous rumors or hoaxes during times of natural or other disasters
For example, there were prior incidences of inappropriate scientific information regarding vaccine efficacy and cancer treatments being disseminated through social media
On Twitter, the relationship between users who are followers and those who are being followed forms a social network, and retweeting or replying to another user’s tweet is the way to distribute and propagate information. Retweeting is the act of spreading information to one’s followers by quoting verbatim the tweet of other users
The advantage of Twitter is that it allows direct communication between people who are too far away socially as well as physically in everyday life. Especially, at the time of a social phenomenon, such as a disaster that attracts public attention, related tweets rapidly increase
As such, Twitter is regarded as a very useful social media tool to obtain necessary information, spread information, and ask for help in case of a disaster
-> Despite Twitter being a platform that plays a key in the exchange of current information, there are limited reports that focus on how scientific information diffuses, and how Twitter is useful for scientific communication within the first few months after a disaster. by [Tsubokura]
Social media, in particular Twitter, was actively used for both direct communication and for transmission and exchange of scientific information at the time of the earthquake
especially in the affected areas. However, many reports on the subject have only described the phase immediately after the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident including evacuation and logistics, and there is insufficient information on how Twitter was used for scientific communication of radiation-related issues. Assessing how Twitter was used after the radiation accident is very useful in order to clarify how social media is used in the world of scientific communication.
鳥海 不二夫 氏 FRONTEO AI Innovation Forum 2020
\bibitem{Kwak10} Kwak, Haewoon, et al. "What is Twitter, a social network or a news media?." Proceedings of the 19th international conference on World wide web. 2010.
Twitter is a social media platform where registered users can create posts containing up to 280 characters and attach images. At the time of this study however, the limit in place was 140 characters, and even now Japanese tweets fall outside the scope of this deregulation. Twitter users can follow each other freely and spread information more broadly compared to Facebook.