hiroshinagaya / SurveyPapers

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Fukushima_General #15

Open hiroshinagaya opened 4 years ago

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


\bibitem{Smith14} Smith, Graham. "UNSCEAR 2013 Report. Volume I: report to the General Assembly, Annex A: levels and effects of radiation exposure due to the nuclear accident after the 2011 great east-Japan earthquake and tsunami." (2014): 725.

The Great East Japan Earthquake and the subsequent Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident, which occurred on March 11th, 2011, resulted in radioactive contamination and radiation exposure to the public

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


\bibitem{Normile16} Normile, Dennis. "Epidemic of fear." (2016): 1022-1023.

Residents in the surrounding areas had long-term radiation exposure and the fear of the contamination spreading resulted in social unrest across Japan

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


\bibitem{Murakami17} Murakami, Michio, et al. "Communicating with residents about risks following the Fukushima nuclear accident." Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health 29.2_suppl (2017): 74S-89S.

In response to this situation, one-directional and conventional scientific communication regarding radiation was released from various government and private sources

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


\bibitem{Goto14} Goto, Aya, et al. "Leveraging public health nurses for disaster risk communication in Fukushima City: a qualitative analysis of nurses' written records of parenting counseling and peer discussions." BMC health services research 14.1 (2014): 129.

However, in addition to a wide range of perceived problems (such as health, societal, and lifestyle) caused by radiation pollution, there were some stakeholders making scientifically erroneous assertions particularly about low-dose radiation and its health effects. Many conflicting opinions circulated and caused confusion among the general public

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


\bibitem{Kai12} Kai, M. "Some lessons on radiological protection learnt from the accident at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant." Journal of Radiological Protection 32.1 (2012): N101.

As a result, residents were at a loss as to whom to believe, and the public’s trust in science itself was lost

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago

宇野賀津子、2011年福島第1原発事故後の書籍動向からの考察、paskin journal

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago


hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago

東日本大震災ビッグデータワークショップ https://sites.google.com/site/prj311/event/presentation-session

hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago


hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago


hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago



hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago


hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago

[Twitter における情報伝播]

hiroshinagaya commented 3 years ago
