hiroshinagaya / SurveyPapers

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twitter分析プロジェクト関連 #4

Open hiroshinagaya opened 5 years ago

hiroshinagaya commented 5 years ago

先行研究(by 坪倉ら)


hiroshinagaya commented 5 years ago





hiroshinagaya commented 5 years ago

Masaharu Tsubokura et al., "Twitter use in scientific communication revealed by visualization of information spreading by influencers within half a year after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accident", PLoS ONE, 2018

1. どんなもの?

2. 先行研究と比べてどこがすごいの?

3. 技術や手法の"キモ"はどこにある?

4. どうやって有効だと検証した?

5. 議論はあるか?

6. 次に読むべき論文はあるか?

hiroshinagaya commented 5 years ago

Alexandre Bovet, 'Influence of fake news in Twitter during the 2016 US presidential election', Nature, 2019

1. どんなもの?

2. 先行研究と比べてどこがすごいの?

3. 技術や手法の"キモ"はどこにある?

4. どうやって有効だと検証した?

5. 議論はあるか?

6. 次に読むべき論文はあるか?

hiroshinagaya commented 5 years ago

Kiran Garimella,'Political Discourse on Social Media: Echo Chambers, Gatekeepers, and the Price of Bipartisanship',Proceedings of The Web Conference,2018

1. どんなもの?

2. 先行研究と比べてどこがすごいの?

3. 技術や手法の"キモ"はどこにある?

4. どうやって有効だと検証した?

5. 議論はあるか?

6. 次に読むべき論文はあるか?

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago

Raghavan, M.; Anderson, A.; and Kleinberg, J. 2018. Map-ping the invocation structure of online political interaction.InProceedings of the 2018 World Wide Web Conference on World Wide Web, 629–638. International World Wide WebConferences Steering Committee

1. どんなもの?

2. 先行研究と比べてどこがすごいの?

3. 技術や手法の"キモ"はどこにある?

4. どうやって有効だと検証した?

5. 議論はあるか?

6. 次に読むべき論文はあるか?

(the structure of information sharing on the Web)

(theoretical work on how network structure affects information flow)

(there has been a spirited debate about the impact that “influencers” have on these processes)

7. 勉強すべきこと

hiroshinagaya commented 4 years ago

Abstract: Burstiness has been one of the most important criteria for extracting topics and events from documents posted on social media. Recently, researchers are focusing on extracting geolocal topics and events from such social documents because of the increasing number of geo-annotated documents (e.g., Geo-tagged tweets on Twitter). In our previous work, we developed a method for identifying local temporal burstiness to detect local hot keywords considering the users' location. The previous method is based on Kleinberg's temporal burst detection algorithm, which presupposes that the rate of posting remains constant. However, this leads to a difference in bursty periods depending on public awareness. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a novel method for identifying local temporal burstiness by using the MACD-histogram-based temporal burst detection algorithm. The MACD-histogram-based temporal burst detection algorithm is based on the trend analysis of stock prices. To compare the proposed method with the previous method, we conducted experiments using actual burst detection in geo-tagged documents. The experiments revealed that the proposed method can identify local temporal burstiness on the basis of public awareness.
