hirosystems / clarinet

Write, test and deploy high-quality smart contracts to the Stacks blockchain and Bitcoin.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Cannot make http request from within clarinet test #566

Closed lazerbeam-dev closed 1 year ago

lazerbeam-dev commented 1 year ago

// deno says it requires flag "--allow-net" to make http request but do not know a way to set this flag from clarinet

// code below

// @ts-ignore import { Clarinet, Tx, Chain, Account, types } from 'https://deno.land/x/clarinet@v0.31.0/index.ts'; // @ts-ignore import { assertEquals } from 'https://deno.land/std@0.90.0/testing/asserts.ts'; // @ts-ignore import axiod from "https://deno.land/x/axiod/mod.ts";

Clarinet.test({ name: "Ensure that we can get a price from Redstone", async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) { axiod.get("https://api.redstone.finance/prices?symbol=STX&provider=redstone&limit=1") .then(function (response) { console.log(response.data) }); }, });

lgalabru commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that

$ clarinet test


// @ts-ignore
import { assertEquals } from "https://deno.land/std@0.90.0/testing/asserts.ts";
// @ts-ignore
import axiod from "https://deno.land/x/axiod/mod.ts";

  name: "Ensure that we can get a price from Redstone",
  async fn(chain: Chain, accounts: Map<string, Account>) {
    let response = await axiod.get(

works as expected with the develop branch.

./tests/counter_test.ts => Ensure that <...> ... ok (4ms)
⚠️  ️Deno requests net access to "api.redstone.finance". Run again with --allow-net to bypass this prompt.
   Allow? [y/n (y = yes allow, n = no deny)]  y
------- output -------
    id: "cbcaad99-7db5-45a3-8afb-c0b005545851",
    symbol: "STX",
    provider: "I-5rWUehEv-MjdK9gFw09RxfSLQX9DIHxG614Wf8qo0",
    value: 0.3249,
    liteEvmSignature: "0xe76e12a9669a72d56940037b025408c6bc2b85d2d36bac60bb060e580cc534aa7dd7a3350bcdd2781126a3a9099d55ca12...",
    permawebTx: "mock-permaweb-tx",
    version: "0.4",
    source: {
      binance: 0.3250325,
      coinbaseprime: 0.3249,
      coinbasepro: 0.3249,
      kucoin: "error",
      okcoin: "error",
      okex5: "error"
    timestamp: 1665071246245,
    minutes: 47,
    providerPublicKey: "xyTvKiCST8bAT6sxrgkLh8UCX2N1eKvawODuxwq4qOHIdDAZFU_3N2m59rkZ0E7m77GsJuf1I8u0oEJEbxAdT7uD2JTwoYEHauXS..."
./tests/counter_test.ts => Ensure that we can get a price from Redstone ...----- output end -----
./tests/counter_test.ts => Ensure that we can get a price from Redstone ... ok (3s)